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Color Code: Blue
Assigned To: Bryan Dayton
Created By: Bryan Dayton
Created Date/Time: 3/6/2023 12:56 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 9956
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Scheduling plan
Start Date/Time: 3/7/2023 11:00 am
End Date/Time: 3/7/2023 12:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Working with Bryan on planning for scheduling stuff. I showed him a small pitch on what I showed the guys earlier in our sales meeting. We then flipped over and did a good session on the time settings and scheduling stuff. We were looking at reservations and what else we have already built. So far, we have a fully functional one-to-many assignments that can be attached to reoccurring events (similar to the bike shuttle company). We can do a one-to-many assignment for unique events (similar to what we built out for ski area and their special events). The next major round will be dealing with single events and flow.

We talked a lot about settings, and even reverse settings (what don't you want to schedule may be less than what you want to schedule). We were talking about booking nights, booking days, timeslots, and individual appointments. We got into talks and discussions about showing calendars with availability, restrictions, and taken dates and time. We talked about web availability layers and other calendar layers and ideas.

Bryan is going to build out a small scratch file using the existing date-picker and see if we could use that widget to show availability without having to build the whole thing on our own. We will feed it (the date-picker calendar) with real data, but if it can help us show available and unavailable dates, that would be huge. We will build out a quick scratch file to test things out with hardcoded data and dates before we fully build it into the ecommerce page flow.

One of the last topics was talking about getting data both in and out of the database. This is where the forethought and layering of the calendar comes in. Thinking in database language, what would the SQL (queries) look like to figure out what is taken vs what is available vs what is potentially available (maybe in flux or being modified)? Being able to go backwards and forwards from a known date range or timeslot and figure things out. Maybe even on a multiple or over multiple layers, locations, persons, places, or things. It could get a little interesting.