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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 3/21/2022 5:44 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8845
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Payroll Audit
Start Date/Time: 3/22/2022 4:00 pm
End Date/Time: 3/22/2022 6:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Steve, Shari O., Cory, and I on an admin meeting to go over an employee/employer audit. Looking into solutions and options to reclassify if needed. Most of our guys and gals work from home, use their own stuff, and control their own schedules. In our books, that is 1099 or sub contractor work. The state of Colorado wants adilas to be setup as a full employer. They do make a case but there are some big holes in it. We are going to be asking our CPA, other professional resources, and maybe even setting up a meeting with the auditor.

We spent a lot of time looking at ideas on what we are calling the adilas trust (possible future company or company structure to help make sure that adilas is able to move forward in the future).

We went through and did a list of pros and cons and what we want to do with our model and future company structure. Our model has already been changing. Lots of good questions and ideas. There are also a lot of unknown variables. Trying to figure out what path to take. We also talked about options such as: Fight it (appeal it) or just take it and move on.

There was some talk about maybe forming an ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) type company. Cory was going to do some research and get back with us.