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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 2/23/2022 2:49 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8781
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Server meeting
Start Date/Time: 3/29/2022 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 3/29/2022 11:15 am
Main Status: Active

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Server meeting with Steve, Wayne, John, Shari O., and myself. We talked about some scheduled maintenance on the data 3 box and database. We then talked about the amount of time it takes to run certain database updates (tons and tons of records). Both Wayne and John are working on a spreadsheet of where the server guys use and spend their time. Our goal is to figure out some of the things that they do and what kind of patterns we can glean from the process.

Steve had some questions about being able to merge in corps from different databases into an already existing database. That gets super deep and can cause major issues. We looked into that years ago and ended up bailing out due to it being so intense and id number craziness (mixing and matching and cascading new and old id numbers through a system that is already in use). Tons of possible conflicts.

We briefly touched base on existing projects. The server guys have been busy with normal life stuff this past week and didn't get much new stuff done. We checked in on the changes for the corp-wide settings and multiple datasources per server box.

John wanted to know about a budget or allowance for server monitoring. We are trying to keep a tighter budget, but some things come and go (ebon flow). We talked about needs and keeping a good balance between what is needed and/or extras that just cost money. Along those line, Steve was asking Wayne and John if he could get some ammunition or good information on one of our clients that is kinda pushing the limits and may need to be upgraded to their own server.

We switched modes and Steve was asking both Wayne and John about their thoughts and ideas on our company structure and what they would like to see and/or participate in. We got into a great discussion on what we are calling the adilas trust or multi member LLC, where ownership and percentages are distributed to some of our key players. Great discussion and I took some notes.

The last topic of the meeting was trying to stay focused on a single project at a time. Sometimes, if we get too much going, nothing gets done or finished. Staying focused is a big key.