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Assigned To: Shannon Scoffield
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 9/14/2021 11:57 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 8244
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Work with Shannon
Start Date/Time: 11/4/2021 11:00 am
End Date/Time: 11/4/2021 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (1)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
AdilasCoreConceptsOrigins.docx   Doc/Text 11/4/2021 Working on our origins doc today. We had a fun time discussing the importance of sharing the idea of world building and figuring out some of the ways/ideas for approaching that. Good stuff.


Working on content and verbage for an article we are writing (Shannon and I) dealing with the origins of the adilas core concepts. See attached for where we are at. Shannon and I were exploring on where, why, and how some of those core concepts came to life. We weren't planning on getting into all of this stuff like super deep custom business software and theory, but... The core concepts sort of just fell into our laps. We just picked them up and mixed them together... We didn't come up with them, but we sure have been grateful for them. The results are the lessons that we have learned and where we are trying to go and head.

Gratefully, the core concepts have been one of our best guiding lights and we are very vested in them. He/She who masters the concepts, masters much. They are kind of guiding us along this path and journey. I personally love learning and really enjoy talking about, teaching, and brainstorming on the different topics and subjects. I've been in and through many of these situations, scenarios, concepts, and topics. I've lived it, to some extent. I'm still learning, but loving it. I love talking about world building concepts, 3D data assembly lines ideas and ways to implement things. I've also really enjoyed brainstorming on other 3D business world building ideas. Shannon and I were talking universe level, galaxy level, cluster level, solar system level, word level, locations, groups, individuals, data, and running all of these different levels over time. So many different levels.

Fun stuff like 3D data levels (x=time, y=resources and money, and y=space and depth (layering, stacking, details, relationships, etc.). Good stuff.

As part of our research today, we were talking about more world building stuff and how all of that (those concepts) came to be. Once again, we didn't come up with them, but we for sure will help be a spokesman for the subject and topic. We love it! We were discussing the idea of learning and then protecting things through sharing of intellectual property (IP) stuff. That feels like one of our roles. We learn it, then we share it. If we just keep it to ourselves, no one else will gain from it. We really want to share and protect these pieces. Here is an article (developer's notebook entry) on intellectual property and ways of sharing to protect things. I feel driven to help educate, demonstrate, and protect some of the main core concepts and ideas that we, adilas, are founded upon. It give me purpose to try to play a role with these things. Good stuff.