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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 10/22/2019 1:23 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5080
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Shawn
Start Date/Time: 12/18/2019 1:30 pm
End Date/Time: 12/18/2019 4:30 pm
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - This was a drawing that Brandon made while showing Russell some of where we are going and heading. Nothing major, just trying to share a vision.

Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (1)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
Proposal.docx   Doc/Text 12/19/2019 This is a small proposal from Russell. It also contains some small pieces of a business plan that Russell was working on for his own stuff. He let me put it up online. We may end up tweaking and modifying what he is doing and adding our own little flair, but it is a starting place. Good stuff.


Shawn and I touched base about tax and withholding stuff. We planned a different time to work on things on Monday before Christmas. After that, I spent some time working on emails, recording notes, and transferring things from small post-it notes into adilas. Busy times. If things are going at a normal pace, I can put them directly into adilas. If things are flying faster than normal, I scribble things on post-it notes and then have to go back and add more details. The never ending process.

Around 3 pm, I got on a Zoom meeting with Russell. We were chatting and pitching ideas back and forth. Russell has been working on a project and as part of that has created some different assets. He has been working on a business plan, code, and some marketing ideas. We are really hoping to be able to join forces and bring some of those pieces to the adilas family. We were chatting about a number of different options. Here are some of my notes.

- If we open up things for outside developers to work on our new testing environments, make sure and add plenty of checks and balances. The absolute ideal would be a full API socket interface and have them play at the wall. That is still a ways out, so we may have to open up some other channels.

- Make sure we charge for our time. That is huge.

- We spent some time talking about ownership and being able to get a residual back from that.

- By helping others succeed, we succeed. That is really true in many ways.

- Some of Russell's priorities are to help stabilize, improve, maintain, and plan for the future. I thought that those were fun priorities.

- Russell would really like to help with project management and job costing.

- There are these things called web components. They are virtually like mini code snippets or functions that can be used over and over again without rewriting all of the code necessary to make them run. A simple call, with some parameters, and it does its job. Russell and I talked about some new adilas web components like table components, ajax search components, cards and actions and moving things between stages (like trello cards - project management software), and modal components (interactive pages that could display or show more details where needed without leaving the underlying page). We had some great discussions about some of these options.

- As a side note, on the cards (both tasks and actions) and being able to move things from stage to stage. We also talked about an even deeper idea of being able to allow users to build their own processes and then move things simply through those processes with point and click setup, rules, validation, automation, defaults, etc. Basically, a way to build your own virtual data assembly line by using tools that already exist and being able to string things together in such a way that it works, is simple, is custom to you, and fits your needs. All from pre-built tools and processes that could be strung together to create these custom processes. Great idea.

- We talked about the company culture and how important that is.

- Making a business plan and putting things in writing. We have a number of very loose business plan type things. Steve and I are on the same page (ish). It would really help to get everybody else to know what the plan is and how we intend to roll things out. As part of this, Russell showed me a small plan that he is working on. We went over some of the ideas. See attached for Russell's proposal and business plan (starting point document).

- We talked about models and how to best combine all of the pieces. There are lots of moving pieces. We talked cores, layers, themes, industry specific stuff, custom code, etc. It gets pretty deep, but it gets fun.

- As part of the model, we also need to be able to strip things off and get rid of extras that are not needed. That is just as important and being able to add new features. Keep it simple, where possible.