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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 3/5/2018 9:41 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 3570
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 3/6/2018 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 3/6/2018 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - small pros and cons list between a WordPress CMS (content management system) and an adilas elements of time blog option. List was by Russell.


On the morning GoToMeeting session. I spent some time doing emails and paying bills. Wayne jumped on and did some presenting on object oriented stuff and data access objects (dao) models. He wants to setup a meeting and do some show and tell for the guys. Kind of a meeting to get some direction and what not, as well as get some buy in on what is going on with some of the changes that he is making.

- On the object-oriented programming stuff, Wayne liked the analogy of virtually asking the objects questions. They then respond with already known answers and/or knowledge. This requires that the objects themselves have all of the data and logic, built in to them as the objects. We don't want to burry additional logic out further in the application. If the objects can know and understand everything from the get go, it just becomes easier. If we want some data or output, we just ask for it, and hopefully we have already formatted it and/or have it ready for quick output vs running additional logic on the output and/or answers. Anyways, that is the analogy.

- Talking with Russell - We talked about using WordPress (pre-built PHP CMS - content management system) vs internal building of the blog inside of adilas. The goal is to get the adilas features, advantages, and benefits up and online as quick as possible. This is both a training tool and a sales tool. Our conversation was dealing with where do we spend our time and energies. Building and developing new tools and features or populating content and getting the info out quicker using someone else's tools.

- Russell estimates that it will be at least 1-3 months... to build our own plus another 1-3 months to populate it. Or we could take the first 1-3 months and push up tons of content up to help things be ready. The later is a quicker process, but we don't get the new functionality. I always get stuck here and/or virtually fall off the wagon or the trail at this point, because I like to build internally.

- It will still take 6 months to get both product and features and get things rolled out.

- Russell is highly suggesting that we roll to WordPress vs building our own.

- We have to get the training up very quickly... Shannon is going to be having a baby very soon and she is currently one of our main support persons.

- See attached for a list of pros and cons, that Russell made, for a WordPress CMS (content management system) vs an internal adilas product that does what WordPress does. Basically, what Russell calls the adilas blog. As a side note, after the morning session, the list of pros and cons was sent out to Steve for review as well. He came back saying that he is excited to razzle and dazzle our customers and get more sales... meaning, let's jump on the WordPress option for now. That email helped Russell and I make better decisions later in the day. Good stuff.