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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 2/28/2018 6:42 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 3563
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 3/1/2018 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 3/1/2018 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

Sorry, no photos available for this element of time.

Notes from the morning GoToMeeting session:
- Steve and Alan - working on the Metrc API

- Wayne showing us some cross corp migration stuff - data tree and checking cross corp

- Remote datasources on dedicated servers and updating firewall rules

- Test bed from data 3 to data 7 - support ticket

- Have Alan and Wayne work on the world building project

- Unit testing - testbox - data access object - real SQL calls (database) vs mock data result objects - mixing functions and DAO's (data access objects) - Basically we need to separate things out between data access and other code logic. We also would like to be able to simulate data.

- We have thousands of functions to change... the good thing is that we will do one function at a time vs doing everything.

- If we keep going as we are... we will keep getting deeper into the spaghetti bowl. If we want to make things stable and easy to update. We need to start and revamp things so that things get planned out and setup unit testing and stability along the way.

- This is a change for the long run. As we do it, more opportunities will pop up.

- As we make things more module, we will open things up to possible future changes. This could be changes in the database engine and/or even backend code such as ColdFusion, PHP,, Ruby, etc.

- If we get a good model and/or sample section (set of pages and/or code section), we could help train the developers that we are headed into this new methodology.

- Wayne is building things out right now but is looking for ideas, critiques, and feedback. What we are looking for is a bigger company buy-in.

- We talked about cleaner code and actually having our guys like it more because it is easier and cleaner to look at. In Alan's words... I (me) am kinda scared of code that looks to scripty - kinda funny.

- We will breaking things into smaller, cleaner, more re-usable code.

- Evolve or die

- We can still get quite a bit of mileage out of ColdFusion. We just need to slowly move more towards an object oriented system and code base. Once that happens, it may make a transition easier. Take one piece at a time and keep things focused.

- Alan and Wayne really think that a testing framework needs to be in place. We have so many players, we really need to make sure that things are stable. The goal is confidence and agility.

- Copy and paste introduces the most number of errors.

- Get some good people together and keep refining things.

- Maybe Brandon and Steve will be grounded from doing the primary coding - They could do all kinds of different things. We are happy to walk behind the guys who know and hold up the banner that they suggest. We are ok giving up some of those key pieces to allow others to grow and lead out.

- Steve loves to do the sales stuff and tackle other business verticals. He would love to be an advisor to help with look and feel, usage, and even the code side. But playing more of an advisor type role.

- If we went more toward object oriented programming, we could reduce the number of duplicate sets of code and start standardizing things better. It would also help us organize things better into one place vs spaghetti coded throughout the entire system.

- Wayne is seeing the long-term vision on the coding side.

- Russell is seeing the long-term vision on the user interface side.

- Alan got a charge from Steve - Alan, lead the way and we'll follow.

- Russell gave Steve and I a demo and showed us some new changes.

- Being positive and persistent helps us keep going. By small and simple things, great things are brought to pass.

- Training sessions and being able to charge for that.

- We talked with Russell about promoting more of our model and helping to get that information out and available to others. We also talked about the news and updates and helping people know and understand about the concepts, models, features, advantages, and benefits of using adilas as a business platform.

- On the media/content, we want to upload things one time and then being able to reference and/or connect things without re-uploading things every time. Russell did a small demo of how he has a virtual gallery of images and he could just click a button and say set as a picture. The code behind the scenes, takes the existing item that is uploaded and just links or references that same image and/or file to the other location and/or page. Just a good way to help upload once and use many vs uploading new every time.

- We talked about page modes and page views. Lots of talking about charts and graphs. We also explored some fun options dealing with CSS, themes, white label options, etc.

- Ideas kept to yourself die... they need light and expression to grow and thrive.

- Calvin popped in and did a light report on capturing GPS stuff over a cell phone. He has been tinkering around. Tracking and distribution stuff. Steve would love to get some kind of a GPS demo put together so that we could start marketing and trying to get interested parties to know what we have and where we could go.

- Working on what you want to do really helps you be motivated.