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Color Code: Blue
Assigned To: Bryan Dayton
Created By: Bryan Dayton
Created Date/Time: 11/21/2017 2:17 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 3257
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: API time URL encoding
Start Date/Time: 11/21/2017 4:00 pm
End Date/Time: 11/21/2017 4:45 pm
Main Status: Active

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On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. He had a few questions and we chatted and talked. One of the subjects was allowing our users to edit things after the fact. That is pretty common for adilas - it is part of our model. We also have to report to other outside entities and they don't like it that things can change. They virtually want us to lock things down. I was telling Bryan that if you lock things down too tight, you end up forcing people to adjust things in a different way. It is almost like making a vehicle and not allowing it to go in reverse... that just doesn't fly in real life. Real life is dynamic and changes constantly. You have to be able to go backwards and forwards. Sometimes we wish certain things were static, but they keep changing. Thus is life.

Anyways, we talked about a possible new option to setup a watcher table that could historically keep track of certain changes and then report those changes. Basically, nothing gets recorded in this new table or area unless you make a change. You still allow the users to change things as they need and as their permissions allow but you also have a log to go back on to either notify an outside entity and/or use for a deeper audit trail or report. Great idea. We talked about a couple different options and ideas.

Bryan was going to mull over things and get back with the client to see what they are willing to fund and how important some of that edit/update log info really is. Once we know, we'll make more plans and go from there.