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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 3/28/2017 9:54 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2474
Template/Type: Quick Note
Title/Caption: Virtual Post-It Note
Start Date: 3/22/2017
Main Status: Active

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- On the P&L... We have a possible difference on the main report vs. the quick drop-down options (once on the printable report). They were giving different numbers. We need to check to see what arguments are being passed. Somewhere there is a small disconnect. Also, we need to check to see what the balance sheet is sending for the same report. We need to be consistent to help give our users confidence in the numbers.

- We also found a difference in the balance sheet drill-downs... grouped report from the URL drill-downs vs. grouped report from the FORM scope.

- We also found a difference on the printable parts report with a date look-back as compared to the balance sheet and the grouped report. It could be a filter or something really small but a slight disconnect.

- Petty cash needs to be more dynamic. Currently it is just a fixed piece tied to each location.

- When ready, go back and add in beginning and ending dates to all known balance sheet items. They need to have a life cycle and an active and inactive status. We need to know when they were playing through the whole digital story.