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Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 3/20/2017 1:22 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2460
Template/Type: Quick Note
Title/Caption: Virtual Post-It Note
Start Date: 3/20/2017
Main Status: Active

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- The Adilas API sockets need some loving - many of them have not yet been fully tested. We need to check the documentation, the JSON samples, etc.

- Anything that returns an image or image value (reference) needs a bigger or expanded path to the full URL. We need to help with the custom client folder names (corp id with a special hash value).

- When checking the Adilas API sockets, also check the code inside the secure folder. It has not yet been checked and may need some help. Also, currently, the username and passwords are setup on a one-to-many basis. There may be a need for both one-to-many and one-to-one. Just making a note here. This could come later.

- Once changes are made, cascade changed to all servers.

- The Adilas 3rd party API sockets don't have any special security on them yet. It had some but got taken off due to an earlier push on the API's to make them more standardized. We need to circle back around on that.

- On the Adilas API sockets and settings, we may want to circle back around and allow for custom usernames and passwords for certain doors and windows (internal socket connections). Maybe use the other custom fields (there are 10 custom fields) in the web API assignments table to handle password and username overrides. This could allow the main API to keep the same usernames and passwords as other settings but still have a custom override of sorts. This idea came while Brandon and Alan were going over web/API pages and settings and what fields hold what values. Good stuff.