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Color Code: Orange
Assigned To: Alan Williams
Created By: Alan Williams
Created Date/Time: 2/22/2017 3:20 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2347
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Alan Time
Start Date/Time: 3/15/2017 3:00 pm
End Date/Time: 3/15/2017 6:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (1)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
cluster_level_login_process.jpg   Image/JPEG 3/15/2017 This graphic has three main tables at the cluster level. We went through the login process and removed extra database columns and fields.

We decided to break the payee to corp to permission table into a smaller yes/no - do they have access to that corp. We basically took out the permissions and multiple records. We are also planning on changing the name to just cluster payee to corp table.

On the cluster payee table we just wanted to store the auto cluster payee id, the main payee id, the home planet corp id, and the status. All other fields will be removed.

The green is the login process. Number 1 is the corp key id or corp key alias. That helps us find the solar system (database) name. Number 2 is the normal payee sign-in process for that solar system. Once in, we need the current payee id and the cluster payee id. Number 3 is taking the cluster payee id to look-up what corps that payee has access to. This is the cluster payee to corp table. Number 4 is getting a list of valid corps where access is allowed with an active status. Number 5 is running normal SQL to look-up the corp names. Once again, see the green for a light flow.

If switching corps, we will relook things up and flip normal datasource (solar system names) and payee id's if needed. As a note, they may remain the same, depending on if the flip is within the same solar system. All of this info will be stored in the user's session scope.

On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We started out and talked with Dave Forbis about some of his projects. We then setup some testing for a new merchant account type. After that, we spent the rest of the session talking about database tables and what they do. We decided to remove a couple of the old un-used tables and define some others.

As a fun note, part of our session was in the cluster level database tables. We spent some time and did some drawings to figure out the cluster level login process. We took some older tables that have not yet been used and chopped them down a bit. We then tried to run through some scenarios on how the login would work. See attached for a rough scratch drawing of how the process works. The attached media/content also has some verbage that goes along with the drawing.

After the meeting, I spent some time and recorded some notes and did some email stuff.

Key words that might be searched: cluster_payee_id, cluster payee id, home planet corp id, home_planet_corp_id, cluster, solar system