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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 4/9/2024 5:15 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 10979
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Emails and Phone Calls
Start Date/Time: 4/8/2024 1:30 pm
End Date/Time: 4/8/2024 2:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Emails, phone calls, and touching base. Quick phone call with Cory to touch base on some plans. Spoke with Wayne on the phone for well over an hour. Some of it was just dealing with life, death, suicide (my son recently and Wayne's little brother years ago), and then talking about adilas stuff. Here are some of my notes. As a side note, Shannon helped me convert my post-it note level notes into these digital notes.

- What people see with their eyes and their perception. If you have 8 different people looking at the same product, they see 8 different products or solutions. People have such different views.

- If things are measurable then you can go to a measurable standard, but it is still perception. It's hard to have people agree on things even when you can measure it. It is even harder when you have to have people interpret concepts, principles, things that cannot be measured but have to be interpreted or understood other ways.

- We talked about change and discussed some analogies in physics. If you have a swinging bar, pendulum, how much does it take to change that? Do you have enough force to really change that momentum, to set something different in motion?

- Sometimes, Wayne really likes having peers that know what he is talking about - that is an important part of building a working community. It's important to be able to bounce things off of people that can really consult, help, and understand things. That is helpful for all people.

- God (our Heavenly Father) has plans for me (and you) - there is a plan and God continues to do His work.

- Wayne expressed that while talking with another developer that "our" way has been ingrained, it is the known norm, it is the default path - It feels to some of the developers like, "will it ever change?" What would it actually take to change?

- From this, dealing with change, Brandon was thinking, instead of just jumping into the coding side what could he change that could change the outcome? Like what if he helped plan the project instead of just took the next coding assignment? How does that change things?

- We don't want to sacrifice in the wrong way. Sometimes we are willing to sacrifice but how much more value does it make it to have the sacrifice in a way that benefits the greater goals?

- If Brandon moved more to helping plan this out what could that change? Could that help it move further down the road? Would that be an unwise or undo sacrifice?

- How do you break free of the default patterns and cycles?