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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/9/2024 4:56 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 10794
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Phone call with Steve
Start Date/Time: 1/9/2024 2:00 pm
End Date/Time: 1/9/2024 3:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Phone call with Steve. We were going over the state of things and talking about projects, plans, and what is going on. We spent quite a bit of time diving in deep on the datasource project. It has also been called world building and the bus to motorcycle project. Basically, we have a database that has a number of different corporations on it. Each main web server is linked with a single database server. We have duplicated this over time and have close to 20 pairs (40 servers) doing this right now. What we like to do is split up each corporation to have it's own database. We could then move them more easily once they are decoupled from the other corporations. Queries should run faster, we could monitory sizes (database storage) easier, and move things around as needed. We were talking about what that would look like and how we could go about doing that. We both seemed to be on the same page as to where we are going.

The other major topic was dealing with elements of time and what they can do and how they interact with other pieces of the application. We just made a quote for connecting elements of time (EOT's) to PO's (purchase orders). Steve is working on a project that connects expense/receipts (E/R's) with elements of time. Some of that is already done, he is just tweaking it out a little bit. We talked about simple project time clocks, virtual mini P&L (profit and loss) statements per element of time, and other tie-in connections. That's awesome, and that's what we made elements of time for. We wanted a business calendar, not just a simple calendar.

Steve is working on a page that will allow a user to clock in/out for payroll and also tie those values to sub dates and times for projects. Both payroll and project time clocks from the same entry. Fun stuff.

Lastly, we briefly talked about funding and sales. Mostly cash flow type stuff. Always a something going on.