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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 11/9/2023 3:58 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 10636
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Working with Eric
Start Date/Time: 11/13/2023 1:15 pm
End Date/Time: 11/13/2023 2:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Working with Eric. Going over a rollout plan for his tip stuff. His branch has 24 files, 2 current conflicts, and 15 cfc's (ColdFusion components). Lots of dependencies and internal changes. Tips sound pretty easy on the surface. It is going to get deep. It affects reports, invoices, math, deposits, payouts, balance sheet items, accounts receivable, etc.

We also talked quite a bit about USAePay (merchant gateway that we use). We have a need for some of our guys to have the actual hardware devices in their hands. We have some simulators, but the actual accounts and products are only available in a live environment. That adds a challenge. We talked about the need to better equip our developers with the correct hardware to help them in their coding and debugging processes. There is a cost to some of that. There is also a cost on the not having those pieces (more development time and even some guess work).

Anyways, we spent a little bit of time going over some ideas to help us out with R&D (research and development) type projects. We may look at getting our guys better hardware to test on and actual full or paid accounts vs just test accounts and simulators. It depends on the project. Anyways, at least having conversations about the needs there.