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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 7/31/2013 10:03 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 278
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 10/19/2010
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-Add an option on the advanced add to cart page to add a second line at the same time. It would have to be an unlimited part. (May help with conversions.)
-On the add to cart page for special line items, maybe add in all of the unlimited items per corp on the same list. (May help with conversions.)
-Start these idea blocks at the top of the page instead of building up the page… you run out of room.
_Maybe tie the ice-down date to global watchers. The further you go back in time, the more solid the numbers should be.
-On touch screen – what about putting navigation on the entire outside border. Think sides and corner stones.
-Maybe the flags need an in play/out of play status. That way I’m not grabbing out of play objects.
-When searching flags – just grab the max id that is less than or equal to the top end date. Only things that exist will show-up.
-If making a change in the past for global watchers, instead of doing a loop over every day in the past, just grab the dates (where something occurs) and loop over that. The dates are the actions and the key. I’m only worried about when things happen.
-Add statements to the history homepage output.
-Check the page flow for adding line items – how can you help the user know what to do next? Example: Creating a new E/R, you have to scroll way down to the 2nd page to put in a line item
-If you can’t solve it on paper – how will you be able to solve it using code?
-On conversions (for parts) maybe think 1-many from conversion to parts instead of 1-many from parts to conversions. I’m just thinking about maintenance and up keep.
-Be your own style!
-PO’s need at least two more date fields. They are ship by date and due date. These dates don’t play that much for accounting but they do help with operations.
-I would like to make a general payables page for all items that we owe to a single vendor/payee. This could include PO’s, splits, REI’s and stock/units. Basically, this is a one pager that we can pick and choose at will. Partial payments are also allowed for an item including REI’s.
-Need to be able to split invoices and PO’s to help handle backorders. Basically, whatever can go forward does and everything else that is missing goes on to the next invoice or PO. It might also be cool to tie the items together as a flex grid piece of the puzzle. Some sort of relationship gets built.
-Along with the idea above, how would you keep an original order together with its subs and children that it took to fill the entire order.
-We need a report that shows ordered, promised and quantity on hand. This would be a “what do I have where?” report.
-On the scheduler application, include anything that could have a timeline on it… employee/users, vendors, customers, locations, stock/units, parts, blue sky, etc. Think of a flex grid level to tie into, very flexible and diverse. Select time, objects, go – that easy.
-On the scheduler application, it needs to be able to handle scheduling, rentals, reservations, customer time clocks, personal planner, appointments, asset planning, time management, sharing and coordinating timelines and a vacation or trip planner.