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Color Code: Yellow
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/19/2014 4:55 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2192
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Changes Needed for My Cart Favorites
Start Date: 3/24/2011
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

Changes that are needed for the my cart favorites:
1. We need a way of grouping the buttons. Basically telling the system when to show the buttons. Essentially another filter that we call the group.
2. At least one level deep but allow for other levels. Sub of subs.
3. The main buttons can be tied to a group or be a standalone top level button.
4. Be able to change assignments in bulk. Only show top level (according to what is selected) on the bulk or show all with grouping and categories.
5. If setting up a group – allow for a view mode of show sub buttons actual buttons or show sub buttons in a grid
6. The grid made is a multi-advanced add to cart form that can be submitted as a bulk value.
7. Maybe put the group settings below the recipe settings.
8. Group-icons: This will either be show subs as buttons or show as grid.
- add new fields to the my_cart_favorites_table
- cart_group_id int(10)1 indexed
- show_as_button tiny int(1)1
9. On the output grid – maybe show the “var” or variable.
10. Disable the submit button by default.
11. Allow for a link to do the same thing as the button. Basically a virtual by pass in case you are in a non-Flash environment.
12. We will need a new Flash button that has a small group icon on it. Maybe use a photo size button with a small group image already in the button. Make it have a transparent background. That will allow for colors.
13. When showing groups and subs… make sure that the categories show up correctly.
14. Add the group first… then go back and make sure that the display mode is correct.
15. Make sure and search for all occurrences of:
- my_cart_favorites.cfm
- bulk_sort_cart_favorites.cfm
- view_other_cart_favorites.cfm
16. Basic settings: when coding page
- cart_button_type_id = 3 - 1=simple, 2=photo, 3=group
- use_math_part = 4 - 1=exact, 2=general, 3=recipe, 4=group
17. Add options to view all (without sub filters) from pages. Pass in a group value of “0” (zero).
18. Check the code and comments inside the dynamic Flash movies and re-upload the new buttons.