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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/19/2014 4:51 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
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Time Id: 2189
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Brainstorming Inventory Types - Rentals
Start Date: 3/9/2011
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

Inventory Types – Rentals:
1. Randomly enough… the first page that I wanted to fix deals with inventory types. We already have an inventory type for “Rentals”. Currently it is somewhat “inactive” but is used at least once for the hardcoded part number “Rental” and assigned to the rental sales tax category.
2. What do we need to do to “reactivate” that inventory type? How will this effect things? Will it rock the boat? Will it make things better? I’m shooting for better!
3. I’m now getting to the point that we want to include rentals.
4. Currently, rentals are very basic and have no tie-ins. It is a hardcoded part that is controlled on the corp-wide settings page. There may be some value in keeping things simple to a point.
5. We also have an unused invoice type called “Rental ticket”.
6. We are introducing the element of time which ties in to rentals.
7. There is a difference between a rental and a sale… a rental may be used over and over again but a sale takes the item(s) out of inventory. We need to be able to track the quantities, costs, and prices… in everything…
8. The users will want to know how many times each item has been rented and what each unit (thing or rental) has produced by number of rentals and revenue compared with purchasing cost and/or up keep costs.
9. I would like to be able to allow rentals of stock/units, parts, users (people and salespersons), places, and general things. Virtually “any” thing including time and blue sky. We at adilas are virtually renting a web service. We may eventually rent or white label the entire application.
10. I really want our invoices to be able to rent and buy on the same invoice. Basically a “mixed” ticket. Put whatever you want on the invoice and we’ll figure it out.
11. How do I know what is a rental and what is for sale… How does each corp and location decide this? How do you pull an item out of inventory and make it become a rental?
12. What about renting 5 different things… 3 days on 3 of the items, 2 days for 1 item, and 1 day for another item. How do you keep it all straight and help the system keep track of things. And… of course… this all needs to be on the same ticket.
13. Not to mention a security deposit of $200 that will be paid back up on proper return. This could also be a cleaning deposit. This needs to be tracked as a liability back to the customer. Maybe we could have a flag on the payment that says flag as a liability.
14. What happens if some maintenance is needed… how does this get tied to the correct unit? Outside repairs, internal parts tickets, depreciation, unit buy down?
15. Stock/units already have a bunch of those features… however, they are the most cumbersome to sale… except for the wholesale cart builder.
16. What if you had a pool of rentals and you could add them really quick like the wholesale cart builder? What would happen if you could set an in/out date range for each item? This could tie into the elements of time.
17. What about the ski mountain I worked for and the rental shop… They have hundreds of boots, skis, boards, helmets, poles, etc. They could either use a hardcode scanner or select a general category and enter a number. This could be preset bins, tubs, pools, or categories.
18. How much time does this take? There might be a line between speed and accurate data. What if I have 35 or something, 50 of another, and 10 of another? Maybe I just want to know quantities and types… I many not want to know exact numbers.
19. What about taking things all the way to accounting? What about just a fast and effective operations tool? How do I accommodate both parties? What are the goals for both? Where do they combine or join up?
20. There are multiple pieces that need to be pulled together. How do you skip steps and jump without making things complicated? Would you design it different if no accounting was needed? How and why?
21. Rentals, reservations, and scheduling are very similar and share a number of different pieces. I’m hoping to tie them in to the element of time.
22. If I click a button and the system does 50 things… I’m cool with that. However, if I make a mistake and want to make a change… does the system change all 50 or do I have to do it manually… there is a difference. All of the sudden… I’m not so cool with that… meaning manual changes… keep things automated.
23. If I collect all of the details… can I shoe them back to the user in a grouped or simplified way? How many steps until I’m at the detail level? How many levels are above that? What do I want to see and how should it look? How many rental tickets am I doing per day? Volume? Complexity?
24. What are the different levels of tracking and what does that take? Each company may be so different….
a. Mental
b. Paper
c. Spreadsheet
d. Software
e. System level
f. Mixture of above
g. Mass or high volume
h. Contract level
25. Sometimes rentals need a self service station that is really dummied down and open to the public. This could be just customer info or maybe even simple items… maybe a quote that will become an invoice.