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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/13/2014 4:06 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2148
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Adilas 3 Day Training Notes - Logan
Start Date: 9/26/2013
Main Status: Active

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Day 3 –
****-Potential fix-it: when we turned off the start cart permission, and even other permissions, it was still able to get at the start cart page and go through the cart. ****
*** You dream it up, we'll wire it up! What information/data do you want to track? Such incredible capacity for tracking data like crazy!!!! What happens... normal day to day transactions or "accounting" of what you have done... what you want to track
-This is a live, experimental, real time project... not a software package wrapped on the shelf at Wal-Mart... But there is huge potential & flexibility with that.
-Eventually people will end up building similar systems to adilas and tracking data and things this way.
-Consultant: When people get data, they want more and they want it faster &... &... &
-Mapping back because the object is moving over time - so you don't have to enter debits/credits, etc., etc.
-Net profit from P&L goes right to Balance Sheet. Balance sheet where you eventually want everything to flow... balance sheet - a picture in time - point in time, am I in balance? P&L flows over time... length of time... net profit flows into (an equity on) Balance Sheet.
***We NEED or should create - that graphic/flyer, however you'd like to show it of the difference between T-accounts and how technology has improved to track things over time and map back and track everything
-Web services and eCommerce - 3 letters of company and corp key id (i.e. mor-03 or use-53) to get into the shop eCommerce - go to the home page of adilas and add shop after the backslash, then put in the corp id - the use for testing playground: guest, 1234
-Once you know what containers you have put things in... then you can jump to them super fast... you know which drawer or container to go to, to find what you're looking for...
-World building: characters relationships, trouble, decisions, consequences .... cause and effect