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Color Code: Green
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 10/17/2013 10:26 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 1782
Template/Type: Daily Tasks
Title/Caption: Daily Tasks
Start Date: 9/19/2013
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

• Emails and tech support. Got a call from a client about the new Texas 130-U application form.
• Adding an option for Steve to be able to upload to the public folder on adilas.
• Prep for interviews. Emails and getting things lined up and ready.
• Went in to town to conduct some interviews for adilas interns. I picked up my sister and we went in together. On the way we were talking about tools and what they do and what they require. We then started talking about models and how to break models and tools. That was fun. We even talked about how to break our (adilas) current model. We talked about where it needs to go and how to get there. We got to the University and met our first appointment. She was from India, what a sharp cookie! Both my sister and I were blown away and she seemed to be just beaming with potential. She had done some research, she had good questions for us, she presented herself very well, and both my sister and I were smiling the whole time that we talked. Great interview. For our next interview it was another lady and she had smaller skills and lacked confidence. My sister and I then had a brainstorming session waiting for our next appointment. We were talking about how to introduce our system players and groups. We talked about introductions, abilities, What does it do?, Who are its friends?, How does it interact?, What are its weaknesses?, Limitations?, and Shortcomings? We talked about usage and frequency. As we got deeper and deeper into the analogy my sister had the idea of going clear up to the “world” level. We talked about an analogy of going to an ice cream shop and virtually choosing your flavor. Very diverse and no good or bad choices – just different flavors. We also talked about basic intros and then branching according to flavors. Great brainstorming session.
We then drove to Bridgerland and met with a lady. She was at the last adilas training session. All three of us continued the brainstorming that my sister and I were doing up on campus. We ended up with ideas that the business functions that adilas does or ways to use the system are like our menu options – what do you want? The groups of application types (players) are the pieces we mix and blend to get you the results you are looking for. As we mix and blend system players we can give the desired business function or outcome. We had a good time. As far as the core concepts and theory, those pieces are the supporting roles or foundation that create the malt shop itself. They are ever present and support the functions and players. After our meeting we setup this associate with her own little adilas account. 30 miles.
• On the phone with my brother trying to figure out options for video editing. I got an email from Steve and David about cost and what we are getting for that cost. Good stuff. We may need to alter our current flow, but good stuff.