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Color Code: White
Client: Titan Distributing, LLC
Assigned To: Stephen Berkenkotter
Created By: Stephen Berkenkotter
Created Date/Time: 6/27/2013 7:36 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Finished/Done: No - (open)
Finished/Done By: ...
Budgeted/Estimated Value: 0.00  
Actual/Real Value: 0.00  
Invoice/Quote Status: Blank (n/a)
General Amount: $0.00
Time Id: 708
Template/Type: Custom Coding Projects
Title/Caption: Custom Code - Titam
Start Date/Time: 6/27/2013 7:33 am
End Date/Time: Unknown... (open or blank)
Total Time: Unknown... (open or blank)
Target/Due Date: 6/27/2013
Main Status: Active

Sorry, no photos available for this element of time.

1. Customer List - Each sales rep will be only able to see their own
2. Promo items - will be entered as inventory and sold at a "zero" cost on a customer basis. The sales reps will be able to access this (this is one I will be entering into the system once I am given counts and product name)-
3. Forms will be downloaded into the system for each sales rep/employee to sign ie: non-compete, non-disclosure... (I will provide these forms to Steve once Mark has approved them)
4. On the 21st day of each 30 day invoice automatically notify us so we can send a follow up reminder invoice and/or phone call
5. Dynamic Mapping - Steve has access to google maps but will look into what else they can connect to that may be more effective to route out the deliveries.
6. Set up E-commerce so the customer may place an order, but do not show an option to "pay online" for customer as we do not offer that yet.
7. Set it up on the E-commerce as a two case minimum or the order will not go through.
8. Re-set timer - Alert sales rep if there is no activity for the past 6 days on a customer.

Second meeting ...
Customer logs -
1. Have a check list and when a log is completed be able to check it off and have it removed from the "follow up" or "to do" list
2. Integrate the customer log with the calendar so there is only one entry but be able to view from log or calendar ie: follow ups, phone calls, emails...
3. Follow up with customers based on a 24 hr, 48 hr, 1 week, 2 week, etc time frame so there are buttons that the sales rep "click" to auto add this
Product Usage -
1. Expand so sales rep can see everything - Steve to add this as a "default" button on the home page for all reps
1. Set up a notify button on the home page that lets the Reps know who needs to be followed up in the logs
2. Show only the Prospect or Customer "type" and under this have drop down buttons to show the types ie: bar, convenient store, etc
Customize the "customer" page -
1. Take out the individual's name under business name
2. Take out extra phone numbers and fields not needed
3. Take out extra lines under the "additional info" fields
4. If possible "auto" populate the county when a zip is inputted
(Steve to talk with Geremy to determine which fields are actually needed)
Price Changes -
1. Set up company standard price breaks as follows:
a. 1-4 cases = $38
b. 5-9 cases = $37
c. 10+ cases = $36
2. Set up "my cart favorites" and set up limits for sales reps and customers
3. Add smart group
Misc items:
1. on home page for everyone to see - name of sales rep and cases sold not dollar amounts
2. TBD - Sales reps to see each others customers (only those in the same state)
3. Everyone to make certain they add the wholesale license # when adding a customer and take a photo of the license to put with the customer in Adilas
4. Use - (dashes) when adding phone numbers ie: xxx-xxx-xxxx
5. Use Upper and Lower cases when adding Customers and creating invoices ie: John Smith...
6. Steve is working on google maps or some other mapping system for delivery routes
7. The Regional Manager will send a PO to the sales rep to let them know how many cases they have, sales rep needs to check and make certain they have the correct amount.
8. On the e-commerce piece a new customer will enter their zip code so the system can determine which sales rep it goes to based on zip codes. There will be a "verified" button to let the delivery person know to go to the store once the sale is processed.