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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/29/2019 4:13 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 4348
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Working with Shannon
Start Date/Time: 2/5/2019 3:00 pm
End Date/Time: 2/5/2019 4:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Keep following up on graphical sales flyer, custom emails, and adilas market.

Shannon and I started re-watching the video of Kelly Whyman doing a presentation from the Denver training event. See this element of time and look for the afternoon video on day 3 - the actual start time of the Kelly portion of the video is at 2:33:19 (ish) -

- One of the first things that she does is get the physical process that really happen and then she breaks those values into a work flow and defines who is going to do what?

- Setting and maintaining the expectations. Owners and operators are different. If things are too complicated, they, the users, stop putting things in.

- There are those who are good at frontend, backend, and maintenance. Different skills, talents, and interest levels.

- Shannon and I talked about "getting an investment approach" where the clients see what other successful people do. This was talking about other skills such as training, setup, maintenance, consulting, overseeing, etc. Ongoing help and other services.

- The setup and initial portion of the client's implementation is very important. They may need some ongoing oversight and/or help. How am I going to support you to get to your goals. Ongoing relationships.

- Try to operate out of the box first and then customize from there. Sometimes they jump too early on the custom bandwagon. Everybody loves the idea of custom but it can be a two edge sword. There might be a difference between small customization vs full or huge customization.

- Are you really ready to take on adilas? Is this the right system for you? You have to really want this (data feeding game). We talked about can's and should's... cost/time analysis.

- Maybe a way we can differentiate ourselves is based on concepts. We love talking about 3D world building, systems, interconnected data relationships, digital story telling, permissions & settings, and objects and data over time. There is an older PDF flyer that has a fun math equation of :: "Results = Mix(Functions, Players, Concepts)". See this older flyer for more info: - Good stuff.

- Sell the sizzle

Anyways, Shannon and I only made it part way through the video from Kelly. We had some good talks and we have some homework to keep watching and taking notes. We will touch base again next week on Tuesday.