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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 9/19/2018 9:24 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 4013
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Alan
Start Date/Time: 9/13/2018 9:30 pm
End Date/Time: 9/13/2018 11:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Alan and I had a small meeting after hours in our hotel room. The general topic was were are going and how are we going to get there. This is mostly ideas... but some of it is real and may come in to play as we go down the road.

- Alan noticed that there are special headers in the old AFB settings pages. We may need to swap those out. These are the snow owl theme settings page, the ecommerce settings page, and the custom email settings page.

- We might need a new level between black box (custom), bulk black box (them), and the classic. Sometimes we need an option but we don't really want to go to a black box per corp - Kinda like the shopping cart view... we have multiple options to choose from and that is tied to the personal settings.

- Maybe hire a designer to help with CSS and user interface stuff

- What about an adilas fracture account

- Are we in the race, out of the race, or working on something else?

- Where is the puck going to be?

- What are our goals?

- What are our defined roles & how does that play out? Currently, things are pretty loose and multiple people play through the different roles.

- Who is going to do custom?

- Goals and roles - those are big subjects.

- We really want to get back to the custom database fields (show/hide, sort, name, alias, require, custom instructions) like we did for customers.

- We really want to do a similar things with the reports. Imagine a way to select what fields show up, what order, what base or starting filters or criteria, pagination defaults, etc. That would be really cool. We already have some of that in the save your own reports pages, but it would be cool to make that happen on a page setting level. Basically, here is what is available, what would you like to see and how would you like to see it? Great idea.

- Just a thought... what if we stopped custom coding for a while? It sure would be nice to be able to use all hands on deck for certain internal projects. As a side note, custom code has become part of our model.

- Maybe try teams

- There will be growing pains

- The view cart page mixes black box technology and corp-wide settings and personal settings. We may end up with more hybrid type options like that.

- In general... we have really taken on a lot... people want us to keep building both out and up... question for us, is the core strong enough to support that?

- What would it take to stabilize certain parts of adilas? Some of the pieces haven't been touched in years and very stable. Other parts still have virtual wet paint and are still changing. The goal is to get some of those morphing pieces to become more stabilized and steady.

- Education and maintenance may be more important than new features

- Some of the reps are getting sick of training the same things over and over again

- Go through the whole system and black boxing pages and adding icon menus

- What if we went back to the web_page_id. That field was originally designed to be a page specific id number. We could then tie-in in help files, videos, page level settings, etc. Every page in the system would have its own id number.

- Working in strategic teams. Say teams of 3 like Alan, Wayne, and Brandon. Or Bryan, Wayne, and Alan. You get the idea.

- Balances...moving balances - We have seen problems with planning too much and planning too little - there needs to be a balance.


Fast forward to the next morning... Friday, 9/14/18

- Just keep going and don't do anything crazy - let it keep cooking and growing.

- Maybe have a contest to see where we are going and what ideas we have.