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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 9/18/2018 4:06 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 4011
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Shannon
Start Date/Time: 10/9/2018 3:00 pm
End Date/Time: 10/9/2018 3:45 pm
Main Status: Active

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Meeting with Shannon - 2 tasks to follow up on - hardware with Svend and picking up existing pieces for the adilas user guide.

New notes - She has met with Svend twice and they have another meeting setup for later this week. Their goal is to get Svend's adilas market profile up and have some live content by next week. Once that profile is live, we will let Shari O. and Drea know to help point people who have hardware questions to Svend's market profile. As a second step, we would like to do some more news and updates (tips and tricks) dealing with hardware and then give some credit to Svend and such. Create links back and forth between the adilas market profile and the news and updates.

Shannon will reach out to Russell and see if she can get some more advanced training on both news and updates and advanced options for the adilas market stuff. Russell is still the master there.

On the user guide stuff, we also went in and found some of the old content that was created for the adilas user guide. I did some light checking on my end with no new results. Shannon did find a number of her files. Shannon will be pushing those pieces up in to the adilas university so that we can get to that info. She has about 20 Word docs that have some beginner user content.

We scheduled a meeting for next week, and will stay on task with those two tasks. Just advancing the ball. Also, as a fun note, I gave Shannon some other updates on who is working on what and some other inside adilas news. We are really excited to have Shannon back working with us. It will be awesome.