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Title/Caption: Brainstorming Adilas Glossary
Start Date: 8/13/2019
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click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Tools - The magic square and how that affects banks and inventory
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Easy system setup, choose your interface, build your world, meet the system players, and sell/show your stuff. We've got it all!

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Glossary Terms:


  • Actions/Action page - Often when you are on the web you have a form and it always submits its data to an action page, where it performs an action. 
  • Accounts Payable - All bills, invoices, PO's and reimbursements that are due to be paid. Money that is owed to others from your company. 
  • Accounts Receivable - All invoices that are not paid. Money that is owed to your company. 
  • Active - Status that designates data as being in use. This status relates to customers, vendors, and items. When active, data will show up in search and list by default.
  • Add - This is a general term which usually means create, multiply, or add on to. Common things could be add a customer, add an invoice - basically this means create a new one or apply an additional one. 
  • Add to Queue - Link that assigns current customer to a list or "queue" which is a step before the shopping cart.
  • Admin Time Clock - Allows user to see all active time cards/hours based on requested parameters. Also gives ability to edit the time cards. 
  • Adobe/PDF - See PDF. This is a product made by Adobe which requires a reader. PDF stands for Portable Document Format which  is a format that can be read across browsers. 
  • Advanced Add to Cart - Make changes to the item already added to the cart- price, cost, quantity, and tax category. Add discounts. *Special feature: put in unknown quantity, but known price to have the system determine how much you can sell based on dollars a customer has to spend.
  • Advanced Searches - Access data based on specific parameters in all areas of database: customer, vendor, parts, elements of time, invoices, expense receipts, po's,
  • API - application programming interface- a set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service. Allows our software to connect to other software through a "door" that we can elect to open or keep closed.
  • A/P's - See Accounts Payable. A/P's is an acronym for Accounts Payable which is an accounting term for who do I owe. 
  • A/R's - See Accounts Receivable. A/R's is an acronym for Accounts Receivable which is an accounting term for who owes me money and how can I collect it.
  • Assets - Any resources owned by the business. Tracked on the balance sheet through user-maintained balance sheet items (not automated by system).
  • Assign to Cart - Action taken to add a customer to a shopping cart. Link is seen to the right of the customer information from the customer homepage.
  • Ctrl A - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for selecting all the content in a certain area.


  • Balance Sheet Item - A user-maintained account that stores data on the balance sheet. 
  • Bank Reconciliation - Matching deposits and expenses in database to monthly bank statement. Must verify all transactions by date for these transactions to appear on the reconciliation page. 
  • Banks - Virtual representations of banks or credit cards. May also be used to represent a location for tracking cash sales.
  • Barcode - Made up of 15 spaces that may contain letters, numbers or symbols. Used to track inventory and speed up the sales process.
  • Basic Live PO - Used to create inventory or inventory items in database. Name is dynamic and may be changed in the corp-wide settings (see section C).
  • Bit Map Image - This is similar to a JPEG or a GIF image. Technically a bitmap means little tiny blocks of color that are organized in an image format to show a picture of some kind. The other kind of image is what is called a vector which has smooth mathematical lines that creates its visual appearance. 
  • Black Box - Custom coded takeover of a page in the database. Gives customer specific functionality requested. Also makes page static to other system-wide updates so can create limitations in the long run.
  • Browser - This is the tool for viewing web based content. There are multiple different browsers and some of them are based on your operating system or preference. Browsers are how all things are shown over the web. 
  • BSI - Acronym short for Balance Sheet Items it may also be shown as B.S.I. These balance sheet items are what are called user-maintained items and is a miniature account for various things. Some of these things could be where you account for things such as loans, individual or company investments, large assets like buildings, vehicles, or machinery. 
  • Build & Sell - This is a term used with a function called Recipe/Build. The build and sell is a quick, just in time, preformatted group or kit. So if there are multiple things that are sold together you can create this kit or grouping that you can use just in time on an invoice when you are selling these items.  
  • Build & Hold - This term is used with Recipe/Builds as well but this term is used on the raw goods side. So a build and hold uses raw goods, meaning taking them from inventory, called ingredients. And produces outcomes or other products to be used farther down the manufacturing line or to be sold independently. 
  • Bulk (in general - edit, verify, etc.) - The word bulk means more than one. In the system it is often used such as bulk edit meaning I am going to edit multiple lines at one. Or bulk verify meaning I am going to verify multiple things at one time. There is also bulk labels, bulk printing, etc. We are dealing with multiples of things. 
  • Bulk Verify - Used to verify multiple deposits or expense receipts at one time. 
  • Bump Value Up - The term bump just means move in a direction. Some systems would say debit or credit. We just say bump meaning which direction of flow is it going. Bump up means you are somehow increasing a value or total.  
  • Bump Value Down - The term bump just means move in a direction. Some systems would say debit or credit. We just say bump meaning which direction of flow is it going. Bump down means you are decreasing a value or total. 


  • Cart - Where items are placed in order to make a purchase (see also Shopping Cart).
  • Check - One of many methods of payment, usually flowing out of a bank.
  • Check Requests - A check request is a form of an expense receipt which is almost a question. Can I spend this money? It is similar to how a quote and an invoice are related, a quote is a potential precursor to an invoice. This is the same for check requests and expenses. A check request is a potential precursor to an expense. It does not count toward financials at this point. It requires an approval and once it is approved then it can become an actual expense and be booked on the financials. 
  • Child - Refers to items in the database that can be sold. Connected to a parent item (parent inventory) which carries the name and some information. The child item is unique and can carry much more unique information (see also Sub Inventory).
  • Chooser - Home page interfaces. 40+ choices plus custom options available. Called chooser because the user "chooses" which one is most suitable to their needs.
  • Classic - Interface that shows all potential functions in the system. Not geared toward any particular tasks or industry.
  • Clear Cart - Wipes out all actions related to the active shopping cart. Must perform this action in order to log out of the system, or to start a new cart.
  • Clock in/out - Tracks users hourly work. Requires user to be assigned to a department.
  • Closed - Potential status of a sub or child item. Once a sub/child item is at quantity 0, it can be closed. 
  • Corp ID - Identifying number associated with every corp. Assigned upon activation.
  • Corp Key or Alias - A corp key is a combination of three letters of the corporation name, a dash, and then a numeric corp id number. For example pla-0053. Pretend that this company's name was Playground and the Corp Id was 53, this could be it's corp key. The alias is like a username for the corp instead of the technical three digit plus numeric. An example for this one could be something like testing or playground. 
  • Corp-wide Settings - Admin level settings that affect the database on a corp wide level. Options for setting system wide naming conventions, tax settings, discounts, etc.
  • Corporation - This is a virtual world inside of a system. Corporation is also synonymous with entity, business, company, etc. Usually a corporation can have locations and different things within it but it is usually a tax entity. Often in the system you will see us use the word corp as a shortened form of corporation or business entity. 
  • Counter Sale - Shopping cart that is not assigned to a customer. Used in sales situations where the customer is unknown and does not need to be.
  • Create - This is another word for adding or making something new. For example create a new my cart favorite button or create new invoice link. 
  • Cross Corp Invoice to PO - Special function that must be added by a system administrator (fees associated with this function) that allows one corp on the same server as another corp, to send inventory via an invoice. Both corps must agree to connect, then one makes an invoice, and the other turns that invoice automatically into a PO.
  • CSS - This is an acronym for a web look and feel tool called a Cascading Style Sheet. The css of a site dictates colors, roll overs, margins, spacing, font, and other look and feel pieces. Inside of the system/platform we allow you to change a lot of these.  
  • CSV - Comma Separated Values is a simple file format used to store tabular data, such as a spreadsheet or database. Files in the csv format can be imported to and exported from programs that store data in tables.
  • Ctrl A - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for selecting all the content in a certain area.
  • Ctrl C - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for copying a certain selection and putting it on the clipboard for future use. Ctrl V is used to paste.
  • Ctrl N - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for creating a new tab in your browser window. Often you can do the same thing by right clicking a tab and clicking new or duplicate, etc. 
  • Ctrl P - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for printing a certain page.
  • Ctrl V - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for pasting a certain selection held in memory. Either Ctrl C or Ctrl X are the ways of copying something to memory. 
  • Ctrl X - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for cutting a certain selection and putting it on the clipboard for future use. Ctrl V is used to paste.
  • Ctrl Y - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for redoing something that has been undone. It's brother command is Ctrl Z or undo.
  • Ctrl Z - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for undoing a previous action. It's brother command is Ctrl Y or redo.  
  • Ctrl + - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for zooming in on the webpage or browser. This is control plus sign (+). 
  • Ctrl - - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for zooming out on a webpage or browser. This is control minus sign (-).
  • Custom - This is a broad term and can be used in many different ways. Often we use custom to refer to custom code, custom look and feel, custom flow, or custom processes. Also we use it generally to say we could add that in but it would be custom, meaning it would be specific to your needs and wants and go through a process of design and development to meet your needs. 
  • Custom Logic - This is part of custom code but the term custom logic usually resides more toward the top of the page. It is like the brain for the page. This is how we control what is happening or could happen on a single page. You may often hear us say, "We could black box that." Meaning we could add code and logic at an insertion point to make the page perform custom actions, logic, flow, or other code related options. 
  • Customer Queue - Customers waiting to make purchases can be placed in line or a queue so that they are seen in a first come first served order. Multiple queues can be used to designate customers as VIP, Pickup, etc.
  • Customers - The people or companies you sell items or services to.


  • Database - This is a background storage engine that holds all of the data tables, rows, and columns. The database engine that we use is called a MySQL server. This database server is very robust and can handle millions and millions of records, queries, and actions at a single time. Technically the database is that storage engine but sometimes we generally refer to it when discussing data or the storage area. For example, when a cart is fully submitted it transfers from session memory into the database.
  • Default Homepages - Every user gets to set their default homepage. This is where you land, or are taken to, when you click your logo or home link. Think of this as your virtual starting spot or home base. The reason it says homepages is there are hundreds of choices that you could set as your default. As a side note you can also switch at any point to facilitate the task at hand. The original goal of this was like a person with a shed in their back yard. If they are paining they want painting stuff from the shed, if they are doing yard work you want yard work from the shed. Depending on the task at hand you may want easier access to options and/or tools. If you want you can even have a custom dashboard or default homepage made. 
  • Default Settings - The system has a base of permissions and settings. This is how things interact and are used. A default setting means where it was set originally without any interaction or where that setting has currently been set to. Often these default setting will be changed based on needs, wants, or dictations from administration or higher authority. Settings come on a corporation level, a player group level, a page level, and even on a user level. 
  • Delayed Inventory Counter - Used to count parent inventory by scanning barcode and entering quantity.
  • Departments - Used to organize employees. Allows employees to utilize the clock in/out function (see above).
  • Deposits - A total amount of money that flows into a bank.
  • Deposit Types - Chart of accounts for deposits. System comes with several options and the user creates the rest.
  • Dewy Decimal System - This was a funny name used as a code name/alias for a project to take functionality from 2 decimal points to 5 decimal points. Sorry librarians, no pun intended. ;) This was just taking numeric quantities, costs, and prices to multiple decimals of accuracy. 
  • Disabled - One of the three statuses that refers to items and their ability to be sold or not sold. In this case, when an item is disabled, it is part of inventory but is unable to be sold (on lock down until enabled).
  • Discount Calculator - Feature in the shopping cart that allows salesperson to discount items by dollar amount or percentage. Discounts can be by line item or added to the shopping cart as a whole.
  • Discount Engine - Used to create reoccurring discounts. Settings determine if discounts are by category or item, and if by day, date, or time.
  • DPI (Dots Per Inch) - This deals with image resolution both on screen and for printing. If you are printing something you want your DPI higher. If you are just viewing it on screen usually 72 DPI is enough for your eye to catch on the screen versus images for print are usually printed at at least 300-600 DPI. 
  • Drill-Downs - This is a term for navigating through layers. An example might be you doing a customer search and it returned a number of customers. Then you would drill-down on the associated link to see their details, or drill-down to see their history, or drill-down to see other information, etc. 
  • Duplicate Invoice to New Cart - Allows user to take an existing invoice and create a new shopping cart that is exactly the same as the original. Great for repeat sales in certain industries.


  • E-Commerce - This is any sort of online web presence where you sell your goods and services over the internet. The software has both free and paid versions of ECommerce that are fully integrated and built in for our clients. Some of the cool features that you can harness are mobile ready, bill pay - where customers can come in and pay some of their bills, photo gallery, expanded descriptions, technical specs, automated emailing, and tons of custom display options.
  • Edit - Function associated with all aspects of database- customers, vendors, items, banks, e/rs, deposits, invoices, etc. 
  • Edit Line Items - Makes changes to the line items (second section) that have been added to a PO, deposit, invoice or E/R. 
  • Edit Main - Makes changes to the main section (first section) of a PO, deposit, invoice, or E/R.
  • Edit Payments - Makes changes to the payment section (third section) of an E/R or invoice.
  • Elements of Time - May be defined by your business. Giant toolset that can be customized to meet your needs. Customer time clock, an appointment book, a scheduler of sorts, a dispatching solution, a payroll timesheet for employees, a mini blog, a general reminder system, etc. You name it, you set it up, and then you get to use it over and over again. You can search it, display it, add to it, create new templates, invoice time, quote time, and generally work with almost anything that has a time element associated with it.
  • Employees - An employee is technically someone who works for a company. Inside of the system employee is a term that is used for persons who use the system and have permissions inside the system. Employees may have time cards, payroll, permissions, settings; they can also be used on expense/receipts and PO's and in these instances can be used virtually like a vendor. They also populate the salesperson list. 
  • Equity - Equity is a section on the balance sheet which means some sort of long-term value. You can have different things like owner equity, paid in equity, investments, worth and distribution of wealth.
  • EOT's - See Elements of Time. EOT is an acronym for Elements of Time. Another term is Time. When you search for time you are searching for an Element of Time. Technically you can have unlimited number of templates which are like cookie cutters. And then you can make an unlimited amount of cookies from those cookie cutters. It can go very deep.  
  • ER's - Expense Receipt- these words used together mean any total amount of money that flows out of a bank.
  • Expense Types - Chart of accounts for expenses. System comes with several options and the user creates the rest.


  • Favorites - There are two primary ways that we use the word favorites in the system. One is a list of saved reports called your favorites. Another one is actually where favorites is a shortened term for My Favorite Buttons which are graphical point of sale buttons. 
  • Flash - Flash is a shortened term for an Adobe Flash player. Flash has been used on the internet since early times. It could as simple as animations, special buttons, rich interfaces, etc. The software application uses Flash for navigation screens, check writing, barcode generating, and my cart favorite buttons (customer point of sale buttons). 
  • Flash Bubble Interfaces -  There are three Flash interfaces that were designed my Russell Moore that may be used as default navigation homepages. They have special features such as rollovers, sliding menus, and drop downs. 
  • Flash Buttons - Once again these are a shortened term for the my cart favorite buttons. Custom point of sale buttons setup by companies. These can be named, organized, colored, nest them, group them, preset settings, setup special pricing parameters, etc. These are often used as a standalone sale buttons or in the split cart view. Split cart has one screen of buttons and the other screen shows the cart so that you can see what has been added to the cart. 
  • Flex Grid - Allows a user to custom code up to 30 fields per each main section. In short, flex grid allows the user to add additional tie ins, database fields and notes.
  • Footers - A footer is anything that happens on the bottom of the page that is consistently there. Usually such things as navigation, branding, logos, copyrights, or other consistent notifications. 
  • Form/Submit Form -  Anytime that a user can interact with a website is usually in a form. The software application has tons of web forms. Without getting super detailed you can have text fields, number fields, drop downs, text areas, radial groups, list boxes, check boxes, toggle switches, buttons, and other form features. The submit part of a form is when it actually gets sent back to the server and some sort of action takes place such as a search, an add, an update, a commit, a continue, etc. 
  • Functions - This is a general term that could be used for what is your business function meaning process or flow. It could mean a logic decision behind the scenes - pass this variable to the function and you will get this result. It could also just generally mean how do things function meaning how do things work, how does it interact. Another term that we use sometimes is if you are dealing with API sockets (Application Programming Interface), we will often talk about the socket as if you are calling a certain function. 


  • Gallery - A gallery is usually a collection of things most often photos, media/content, files, some sort of digital content. All of the 12 main players have their own galleries. Most galleries are tied to individual items within the groups. 
  • General Tie-in - This could be one of two things. It could be talking about a thing called a flex grid tie-in which would be additional data related to the main item. Another reason we use general tie-in is if we don't know where the connection is going to go it can be tied to all sorts of things. Basically the tie-in means a relationship and general means you will need to categorize it.  
  • GIF Image - A GIF image is a graphic and is considered to be in the Bitmap family. They have somewhat of a limitation on colors but they can still go up into the hundreds (like 256 colors). Some other really good benefits is they can have a transparent background and they can contain small animations.
  • Global - This is a general term. We use it in a couple different ways. One would be a global variable meaning it is available for all. We have global settings which are generic across the whole system or a starting point. Then dealing with a world-building concept - global means within a world what is the style, attributes, presets, etc. for that world. All of these uses indicate broader or more general terms. 
  • GPS - Global Positioning System. Basically inside of the software application, GPS can mean a physical location like an actual GPS or sometimes it is used as a term for a virtual locator of where I am in this world or in the system. Indicating a location, such as I am in invoices or deposits, etc. A cousin to GPS is something called an RFID tag. Both of them use some sort of X, Y, and Z coordinates but the main difference is that GPS is over a broader spectrum and RFID is in the confines of some smaller geo-fence but you can still tell where things are moving and can track things in spatial ways. 
  • Gram Counter - Control added to the shopping cart for the cannabis industry that helps salesperson stay compliant in how much cannabis they sell to a customer. Multiple varieties exist based on requirements of the state of operation.


  • Hardware - Technically this is computer peripheral type term. It usually means something that physically exists or something you physically connect to a computer. There is a physical aspect to it. You can see it, touch it, connect to it, it can contain it's own programs and software, etc. Some common pieces are laptops, desktops, monitor, disc drive, scanners, printers, and so on. Almost anything that has a physical component and an electronic piece that can be associated with a computer is called hardware.  
  • Hash - The word hash has a number of different meanings. Usually inside of a computer system a hash means a small encrypted value that may be de-crypted or decoded by the computer. A way to make something non-human readable but still decipherable to a computer with the correct codes to unwind it. A general term for hash is a mix of things that gives you a new item or output at the end. 
  • Headers - These are usually at the top of the page and have a reoccurring look, feel, theme, navigation, search options, menus, etc. It is basically a way of standardizing multiple pages to look similar - you can use or create a header. 
  • History - History inside of the software application takes on numerous different flavors. History could be just what happens over time. It could also be user interactions, cause and effect cycles, check points, etc. The history is also a shortened word for the audit trail, the log files, and the decision trees within the system. Most histories inside of the system are unalterable - they are caught and monitored behind the scenes as actions take place. History inside of the software application can take on a couple different forms - effectual, historical, financial. These are all aspects of history but they all have a little bit of their own flavor. 
  • Homepages - This is a web term for a starting spot or a spot that has like pieces. What we do is allow everyone to start with their own homepage or starting area. This allows them to navigate the system or have quicker access for the features they use. The other use of the term homepage in the system is for each of the 12 main players. All of these 12 main players have their own homepage or main hub for the features associated with that player. Such as invoice homepage, PO homepage, expense/receipt homepage, etc. Sometimes these are called sub homepages. 
  • Hover - Action used to view links in the database. At the top of every page user can 'hover' over the main links to access myriad other pages in the database.
  • HTML Buttons - There are two different terms for HTML buttons. Any form inside of the system technically has an HTML button to help it submit or do any other process. The other use of the term HTML buttons deals with my cart favorites and this is a comparison between Flash buttons or HTML buttons - meaning how the buttons are generated. 


  • Ice Down - This is a term for basically permission based locking. This goes back to an analogy we use with liquid water turning more solidly into ice. As data in the system becomes more firm or set it virtually gets iced down. 
  • Inactive - Status that designates data as being out of use. This status relates to customers, vendors, and items. When inactive, data will not show up in search and list by default. User must specifically request to view inactive data.
  • Interactive Map - This is a graphic that shows a lot of the key elements inside of the system. A number of different departments, homepages, areas that have their own tools, etc. It is one of the standard navigation homepages. It is also used often for training when we are trying to show flow between the different areas or departments. The help file for that page goes into major details as to why things are organized on the map the way they are. 
  • Internal Build PO - This type of PO is used internally to take raw goods and combine them to create something new (kitting, packages, groups, mini manufacturing, etc.). For example, say you wanted to make a cake, the raw goods might be flour, sugar, eggs, butter, etc. The internal build PO would subtract the raw goods from inventory (negative quantities) and create a new product called cake or cookies (positive quantities). This PO type has it's own permission and is very powerful.This same PO type is used by the system when using the internal recipe/build process. The recipes are basically a pre-set group of ingredients, parts, items, and/or outputs. These recipes are called "build and hold" recipes. The internal build PO may also be used when taking a certain part, painting it, heating it, cutting it, chopping it, combining it, or somehow changing it into some other part (any type of mini manufacturing). This PO type, internal build, is how you physically control your inventory counts. Similar to the update PO, this PO is not vendor specific and does require a special permission to use this PO type.
  • Internal Repair - This deals with a stock/unit. Basically it makes an internal serialized item become a customer and you can use anything from your shop or store and attribute it or apply it to that specific stock/unit. 
  • Invoice - Use to record a sale of any item or service to a customer.


  • JPEG Image - A format for compressing image files. Every form in the database has a storage space for jpegs that can be accessed from the photo/scan button.
  • Jump - This could be a couple different things. Often we will use the word jump to indicate some sort of motion or movement. This could be let's jump into this or jump to this place on the page or somewhere else in the application. Sometimes we use the same phrase when we talk about using the quick search inside of the system to navigate somewhere. So while this is an action term indicating movement and navigation it can also refer to times when you skip multiple steps by clicking or jumping somewhere. 
  • Junk - This could refer to email, junk email. It could also refer to doing something which you are going to get rid of. Or it could be if you are putting garbage into the system, you are going to get garbage back out. This refers to putting bad data in the system - junk, garbage. 
  • Just in Time - An acronym for this is JIT. This was originally developed in manufacturing and operational warehouses. Now it has been modified and is used in all kinds of things such as just in time inventory management, just in time bill pay, just in time project management, just in time communications, and so on. Instead of planning and preparing everything out to the nines sometimes you can do it just in time which saves both time and money and is an efficiency factor.  


  • Keep - This is usually some sort of an action where you are maintaining or keeping something for later use. It could also involve something that you do continuously - for instance keep clicking on this, keep drilling down, keep refreshing, keep checking back, etc. Saying either save that or continue on that path. 
  • Kill - This is a general term usually meaning to delete, destroy, make inactive, hide, etc. It is a general term that means to get rid of something. Other times you might talk about if it is going to kill the system meaning too heavy of a load, too intense, too many sub details, etc. 
  • Knock knock - Who's there? It could be a joke but actually we use it in computer speaking when we are trying to gain access to API sockets. You play knock knock with the server. The server responds who are you? What do you want? Then you have to respond that those questions/requests. It is kind of a back and forth protocol. 


  • Labels - Can be printed via browser settings from multiple locations in the database. Item labels can be used to add items to the shopping cart, item labels can be printed from within the shopping cart for certain industries, labels can be printed for plants from the cultivation homepage.
  • Liabilities - Financial obligations of a company. Tracked on the balance sheet.
  • Line Items - "Meat and potatoes of a form." Can be inventory items on a PO, expenses on an expense receipt, and invoice sales on a deposit.
  • Link - A link could be an actual web link where you go from page to page. These are often used in navigation or drill-downs. A link could also be things that get connected or tied in. Such as an invoice might be linked with a customer or an item is linked with a PO. Another definition for link is an item within a chain of a process. What are the links that it needs to go through?
  • Locations - Way to sort inventory, allocate sales tax rates, organize operations in the database. Completely dynamic.
  • Lock - A lock usually means that something becomes more secure. It could be locking people out, locking things down, it could be advancing something so that people with lower permissions cannot access or see it. Another example could be a system being put or going on lock down - like the system or a database table. A lock is used to inhibit access. 
  • Logout - Function that allows a user to leave the database. Once logged out, another user can log in from that computer. Note.. logging out does not clock out the user.
  • Logs - Associated with customers/clients. Area where notes may be kept for historical reference.
  • Look and Feel - Basically this deals with what you see. Your interface colors, your color choices, your navigation buttons, your interface layout design, your defaults, your style, etc. The software system allows for all kinds of dynamic colors, fonts, watermarks, graphics, logos, and styling to help with your look and feel. 
  • Look Back Date - Usually this means that we are going back in time to look at data or content. Very common for inventory levels, sales, and balance sheet items.
  • LPI (Lines Per Inch) - This is a printing term that deals with resolution. Another common one for this is DPI which is dots per inch. Often computer screens and printers deal with DPI where LPI is for professional print shops. 


  • Main - The software application uses the term main in multiple different ways. It could be main homepage, main navigation, main or core logic. The word main might also refer to sub homepages such as main customer homepage, main invoice homepage, main deposit homepage. Going deeper the word main could also mean the starting of the object. Anything that can hold subs is a main. For instance the main invoice details or main element of time. We end up adding sub details, such as line items and payments, to a main bucket, item, or container. It is very common within the application to see the words edit main. This deals with going directly to edit the details required to start or initiate a new object within the system. 
  • Make/Model - This is tied to serialized or stock/unit inventory. The make is usually similar to a brand name. Then the model is usually some sort of a sub division within that, that has some known attributes or pieces. In the system we allow you to define the makes/models and the underlying presets that go along with those. These are set up into one to many relationships where one make can have an unlimited number of models.  
  • Manager's Time Clock - This is a permission/section that allows a user to oversee time clock records for departments that have been assigned to that manager. Time clocks have three different levels. You have the user level which is easy to add but you cannot edit anything. Then manager's time clock which allows you to add and edit but only at a certain level. Then admin time clock that allows for corporation wide adds, edits, and reports. 
  • Mark-up - This usually deals with a pricing model where you take a value and you multiple it by a cost to arrive at a new price. Depending on if you are doing widget (small, bulk) type inventory or serialized (stock/unit) inventory there may be multiple levels of mark-up. Another way that mark-up is used is sometimes on coding language. A mark-up language is where certain things have tags, attributes, and parameters. 
  • Media Content - Technically media/content is any kind of file, which could be spreadsheets, text documents, PDFs, graphics, photos, scans, audio files, video files, etc. that may be added to the system. Inside of the application we allow media/content to be added to any of the 12 main items, any of the 12 main player groups, or just generically to the system as a whole. Basically this is your paperless office function. 
  • Merchant Processing - This is a general term used to talk about credit card transactions, authorizations, and processing. The system acts as the client side or software piece. It sends transactions over to a gateway which authorizes, confirms, and holds secure data. The merchant part of it deals with converting that data into real monies that will get pushed into the company's bank account.
  • Mini Conversions - A conversion is where something gets converted into something else. Usually it deals with units of measure. For example gallons of water, liters of water, cups of water, drops of water, etc. The reason we use the word mini conversions is that we are trying to track a semblance of what is happening instead of a full conversion that might be unalterable. These mini conversions are simulating the breakdown or conversion into smaller or bigger groupings. 
  • Mobile - This could mean mobile as in on a mobile device where the sizing or layout changes based on screen size. It could also mean the ability to carry, transport, or move around. It may also mean the ability to transfer pieces between things - the data can become mobile. The ability of the data to transfer between places such as to different corps, other software, different places in the application, etc. Often you might here the words mobile app or mobile ready - that usually means a software system that runs natively on android or iOS devices. 
  • Money Types - Options for making and receiving payments.
  • Money Type Settings - List that shows all existing options for making and receiving payments. Boxes may be selected or deselected to customize payment options based on form (Invoice, Shopping Cart, Deposit, Expense)
  • More Options - Button provides access to links that are associated with the page in use. At the top of most pages.
  • My Cart Favorites - Custom preset buttons that determine how items assigned to those buttons are sold.
  • My Settings - This deals with access to user level settings within the software application. This could be anything from password and profile information to default cart types, expense types, Flash buttons, etc.


  • Ctrl N - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for creating a new tab in your browser window. Often you can do the same thing by right clicking a tab and clicking new or duplicate, etc. 
  • News & Updates - Updates and how to's are posted here to alert users of new functionality within the system.
  • Normal Parts/Items - The word "parts" is used to mean any item that is tracked as a group (including labor and services). It is also important to note that the words "parts" and "part number" are editable on a per corporation basis from the corp-wide settings. Specific items are called units or stock numbers (serialized units) and are handled through a different section (usually bigger ticket items). Sometimes the word normal parts applies itself to how things are tracked meaning tracking things in and out. 


  • One to Many - This is a database concept and usually deals with some main element that may have subs, children, add-ons, additions, or some unlimited number of connections. Some examples could be one customer has multiple invoices or each invoice has multiple line items. We use the concept of one to many to talk way beyond just database things but that is where it came from. 
  • One to One - This is also a database concept and usually what it means is a direct relationship. It's the opposite of a one to many. Often a one to one indicates a switch, a toggle, an additional value that may be conditional, an option of being turned on or invoked. 
  • Online Bill Pay - This is where a customer would actually get a button, a link, or an email where they could go pay for a statement online using a credit card. 
  • Open/Opened - This is a common term that we use to talk about being engaged, active, selected, etc. An example might be open this package, meaning make it active or current. Or open the invoice homepage, meaning go to that page and open it. Or you may hear someone say tell me what tabs you have opened, meaning what do you have showing. 


  • Ctrl P - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for printing a certain page.
  • Packages - This is used in a number of different ways. Often it deals with batches for sub inventory. Sometimes they are called packages or child packages where you get into parent or child relationship. Packages could get into shipping. Packages could also be used for a certain set of features. For example if you were in a certain industry and wanted to buy the extended package that would be a set of extended features. Sometimes it is also used in the recipe/build area if you are creating certain recipes to create a package, or a kit, or some sort of group. 
  • Page Settings - These deal with what happens on a single page. As a note there are corporation or world-level settings. There are group level settings such as invoices or PO settings. There are individual settings, there are also these page settings which deal with just how certain pages act, interact, show/hide, react, etc. 
  • Parent - This usually refers to inventory and kind of a parent-child relationship. The parent is usually the main element or place holder. We then refer to the parent as the main item and the subsequent children are those related to that parent.  
  • Parent Attributes - These are optional but these are classifications and categories that can be associated with different inventory items. These are ways to group and flag your inventories. This can help with sales and filtering of items/products. These are unlimited and often help in categorizing or searching or sub-filtering pieces together. As an example, say you bought outdoor equipment from a wholesaler but you really wanted to make sure that things were known for their brand. Not necessarily the vendor you purchased them from but the brand. This could be one example of a parent attribute but there are unlimited possibilities. 
  • Parent Inventory - Inventory items. May be sold as is (status active) or may be set up not to be sold (allow subs only) but to act as name holders for sub inventory (see sub inventory). May also be set to inactive if no longer needed for sales.
  • Parts - Items or services that are sold. The name 'part' can be changed to reflect the 'widget' inventory and or services. 
  • Part Category/Categories - Organizes items into a subset. Technically a part category helps in searches, in your reports, and on your financials. It also helps if you are going to be setting up any sub inventory attributes. Most of your sales reports are done by category at the top level and then by item. 
  • Parts Homepage - Main inventory homepage. May search for inventory by vendor, category, or item. Printable views also accessed from this homepage, as well as a multitude of advanced searches.
  • Patient - System default is customer- patient is an example of a choice for renaming 
  • Payee - Refers to individual or business being paid, either vendor or employee.
  • Payments Not Yet Deposited - As invoices are created, payments are applied. This verbiage stands for the state of these payments. They are 'waiting' to be included on a deposit.
  • PDF-Portable Document Format - a file format that is used to share data. Many pages in the system may be exported to PDF through the click of a button.
  • Permissions - Over 100 rules that allow or block access to functions within the database. 
  • PNG Image - Portable Network Graphic- type of image file that is accepted for upload under the Media/Content link located on most forms in the database.
  • PO's - This abbreviation stands for both Purchase Order, used to receive inventory and Production Order, used to record and track light manufactured items.
  • Post - A post has a couple different things that it could be. One, any time a form is submitted it is called a post in technical terms. A post in accounting usually means let's lock it down and make it tight, also meaning lock it down from lower permission users. A post could also mean when you take smaller details and combine them into a summed entry, this entry can also be called a post. If you are talking about fences, it's the big tall thing. :)
  • Printable - View of data that is condensed in order to print more succinctly. Editing is unavailable in the printable view.


  • Quick Search - This function appears on each page and allows one to quickly search for any element.
  • Quote - The step prior to creating an invoice. Can be skipped if desired or created and turned into an invoice.
  • QR Code - A two dimensional barcode that holds more data than a one dimensional barcode. 


  • Raster Image - This is also sometimes called a bitmap image. Usually what this means is that there are little blocks of color to make the image. If it is blown up to big it can become pixelated. For example, people who work in PhotoShop deal with raster images all the time. The opposite of a raster image is what is called a vector image, which deals with smooth mathematical lines, arcs, and curves. Vector images scale very well because they are mathematically based. 
  • Recipe/Builds - Method of selling items grouped together into a 'kit' or 'recipe'. Pulls inventory onto the invoice in set quantities.
  • Refresh Queue - A queue is basically a digital line. This could be used for projects, people waiting, people who need to be served, etc. Refreshing the queue typically just means what is the current status or order of these people or things waiting. Some of the pages actually have settings so that the queue will refresh itself at an interval the company has selected. 
  • REI's - This is short for a reimbursement. A reimbursement is money that was paid out of a person's pocket that needs to be paid back directly to that person. These are very common in the expense/receipt side of the application. Fro example, say I was out and bought a new broom and wanted to have the company reimburse me for buying the broom. On a technical side reimbursements in the system must be paid back in full. There is something called a split in the system that you can chip away at an expense and make payments to it but a reimbursement must be paid in full. There are tools in the systems to combine or pay reimbursements in bulk. 
  • Reoccurring Elements of Time - Often you will have things that you want to reoccur over and over again such as company meetings, a set/reoccurring due date, even a person's schedule - things that happen over and over again. Inside the system you have to create one primary element of time that exists by itself, then you can tell it to reoccur or choose how to reoccurs. The master needs to be created first and then you can duplicate that master to create the further elements for reoccurring. 
  • Reoccurring Expense Receipts - This is some sort of a bill or expense that happens over and over again. This is very common for rent, insurance, draws, auto-transfers from banks, etc. You set up the master and then you can tell it when to duplicate itself and advance it's dates for creating the additional expense/receipts. 
  • Reoccurring Invoices - This is charging a customer over and over again in some kind of a reoccurring subscription, or repetitive purchases, etc. Once a single invoice is setup it could be set to reoccurring if there is some sort of constant, regular billing. If the invoice amount changes you may not want to go this route. This is best used for the same items/services and amount reoccurring on a regular interval. Once again you have to have a master invoice and then it knows what to copy. This section inside of the system can do it both automatically and as a manual reminder in case things need to change. 
  • Request PO - This PO type is used for ordering, requesting, or getting quotes from vendors. This PO type records all of the main PO info without taking it to the next step (receiving). The PO request may easily be turned into a "Basic Live" PO by switching the PO type. When this happens, the request will hold all of it's original info and becomes received (actual or live). At this point, it will function just as a basic live PO would (inventory counts and payables). This PO type is vendor specific. See corp-wide settings for custom naming.
  • Responsive - This has a couple of general meanings. One of the most modern ones is called a responsive webpage, meaning it sizes well for different devices. The layout will change depending on the size of the screen, that is called responsive. Another use of the word responsive is talking about clients getting back with you, vendors, or even the server - such as the server is not responsive meaning that it is not responding to requests presently which could mean it may be asleep or dead for a bit.
  • Restore to Cart - This means you are taking something, usually a quote, and putting it back into the flexible shopping cart mode where you can add, edit, change, and use the bulk tools in the shopping cart. As a note, restore to cart is from quotes but there is also an option to duplicate to cart which is taking a completed invoice and restoring it to the cart. 
  • Results - This is also a general term. It could mean a goal - what are you desired results. It could mean results of a query - what came back from a search. It could also deal with testing results for something such as new code. Results are also trying to find what you are looking for. What do you get out of this thing that you are looking for. 
  • RFID - Radio frequency i.d.- Used in the cannabis industry to track all inventory and plants. Unique number associated with inventory items.
  • Rounding - Rounding deals with the level of accuracy, usually with number. This could be decimals to decimals or decimals to integers. It is also important to know that the deeper you split something apart there might be virtual saw dust or shavings which is referred to as rounding error - trying to get it split apart or broken down as close as you can. Rounding is often used in taxes, discounts, and eventually needs to be equated into money if you are dealing with dollars and cents. Sometimes inside of the system we allow things to be flexible up to 5 decimal points - the term we use for this in the application is the dewy decimal system - this is not related to libraries.   


  • Sales Tax Settings - All settings are dynamic and can be entered on the location homepage. 
  • Server (what server are you on?) - All corps are assigned a server that houses all their data. Server number is visible in URL ie.
  • Settings - Settings are usually some sort of user preferences or default values to help a page or a function configure itself. Inside of the system there are four main types of settings. We have corporation or world level settings. We have group or system player settings - for example invoices, parts, customers, etc. We also have what are called page settings which deal with a specific page function, flow, or process. The lastly we also have a thing called individual or user settings - this is where an individual or user gets to set some preferences such as default types, navigation, other presets and defaults. 
  • Shopping Cart - Where sales happen in the database (see also Cart).  The shopping cart is how you sell your stuff. It is the interface between your customers and the entire rest of the system. The shopping cart eventually helps you to create your invoices and quotes. It is literally tied to almost everything in the system. If you took out this piece of the puzzle, not much would be happening. This is the "interface" piece.
  • Show/Hide Search Criteria - This is usually a button or a link that helps you collapse or expand search forms. Often pages or reports needs user inputs or filters but showing that right off the bat takes up valuable real estate on the page. So the show/hide search criteria allows you to expand or collapse that when you need to interact with the input, filter, and searching section.  
  • Smart Group - Basically, a smart group button is a my cart favorite button that contains all of the functionality of the normal cart favorite buttons plus it allows for pre-set pricing structures (quantities, weights, and prices) to be assigned or connected to one or more inventory items. Smart group buttons allow for both assignments (who gets to play) and rules (how things interact or play) to be set up.
  • Snow Owl - This is a look and feel theme or motif. Snow Owl is a series of header, footers, options, settings, and styling for the pages. Originally developed by Russell Moore in 2017. Additional changes have been made. This theme currently has the most modern features, access to tools, functions, settings, and more. Sometimes we talk about Snow Owl in a general sense but this encompasses hundreds of settings, features, and options that are part of running Snow Owl. 
  • Software - This is a term meaning any kind of code or program that is installed on a machine. Often software deals with licenses, updates, versioning, etc. Some of it's family members are hardware, firmware, freeware, shareware, and even sometimes vaporware. Even though the system is a web application it is sometimes generically called software. 
  • Special Line Items - These deal with the hardcoded part numbers or "special line items" that are used within the application. Many of them have special uses and special code that is built in to the main application. These are things such as labor, fee, discount, verbage, other, shipping, trade-ins, and more. Basically these are special parts or items that can be attached to an invoice or PO and some of them even have special treatment on how they are tracked financially on the P&L and Balance Sheet.  
  • Special Live PO - PO used to bring in inventory from multiple vendors. This PO type allows the main vendor to be set as the payable (who will get paid), and the line items may contain bulk, generic, or non-vendor specific items. These PO types are used by companies that buy the same item from multiple vendors and don't want certain items to be tracked on a per vendor basis. The items become a bulk or general usage item and are usually maintained under a special internal vendor. 
  • Special Parts - This can be two different things, it can refer to unlimited items that don't track quantity such as labor or services, or it can refer to the special built-in application items.
  • Special Request - This is the request side of the special live PO's. Very similar to a basic request except it allows multi and mixed vendors. See description of special live PO's above for more info. Once received, all special request PO's will need to be flipped over to the special live PO status in order to show up and become real or live. 
  • Specific - Specific basically limits the scope. We use it as a general term and it could mean specific in reference to talking about a specific item or a specific relationship. We also use it when referring to things like corp specific, vendor specific, location specific, user specific etc. Once again it takes that general topic and narrows it down to that scope. 
  • Split Cart - Feature that allows user to view shopping cart and my cart favorite buttons on the same screen simultaneously (see M for My cart favorite).
  • Split/Splits - This has a number of different features associated with the word splits. This could be split payments - which is typically dealing with multiple locations where you may have to split or divide payments. A general term called splits in the system is a term used for payments that are on account. This is used when you need to pay a vendor and you may owe a larger sum than you can pay right then. You can attribute whatever monies you would like to that vendor's account and it will pay off or satisfy those expenses. Sometimes split can refer to split screen functionality that diverges or splits. If you are dividing revenue sharing you might create some sort of a split. 
  • Start New Cart - Function that allows user to begin a sale.
  • Statements - a time stamped report or "snapshot" of who owes you what.
  • Stock/Unit Cust - A restricted view of serialized inventory. The view is 'customer' friendly, hence the name 'Cust.'
  • Stock/Unit Full - A full view of serialized inventory. Includes cost and other info that should be hidden from customers.
  • Students - Technically a student is a person who learns. There is a corp wide setting that you can use for your customers and if you happen to be engaged with people who are called students you may change your customer name to student. This can also deal with people who are learning from your media files or procedures. 
  • Sub Attributes - Unique information associated with a sub inventory item. This information is driven by sub inventory templates that are created based on the tracking needs of the business (see sub attribute templates).
  • Sub Attribute Templates - Templates that carry the unique data assigned to sub inventory items. These are assigned by the business based on tracking needs.
  • Sub Inventory - Items in the database that can be sold. Connected to a parent item (parent inventory) which carries the name and some information. Sub inventory is unique and can carry much more unique information (see also Child).
  • Switch Corp - If a business has more than one corp they can switch between them without logging out.
  • System Assets - Contains all company assets. Deposits, Accounts Receivable, Invoices etc.
  • System Basics - Basic permissions and links to preform calculations.
  • System Liabilities - Contains all company liabilities. In general all payables that your company owes.
  • System-Maintained BSI - Item on the balance sheet that are automatically generated and updated by the database.
  • System Maintenance - Section that contains homepages that allow the user to maintain different functions.
  • System Management - High security level that allows the user to maintain corpwide settings and user permissions.
  • System Reports - General reports to help you know and understand the company finances, inventory levels and historical data.
  • System Time & Requests - Inter company calendar. Used to schedule any 'element of time.'








Additional Comments/Notes - Subs (1)
Title/Caption Done By Comment/Note
System Glossary Shannon Scoffield


  • Templates - Templates are typically grouped settings or presets. It could be a number of settings or permissions that are configured or options that are toggled on and off. Sometimes we use templates in things like sub inventory attributes, elements of time templates (master time templates), we also could potentially use templates to set up corporations on a more global scale - like setting presets for certain industries or jobs, etc. 
  • Themes - A theme is similar to a template except it deals with look and feel or what we call a theme. A theme is something that has a reoccurring or overarching premises to it. We do often use this with look and feel and you can see a patter with this, some of these are the classic theme, geometry, Snow Owl, etc. 
  • Time - Refers to an 'Element of Time.' The object that tracks any data related to time. These are the basis of the calendar and scheduling.
  • Time Clock - Time clocks have three different levels. You have the user level which is easy to add but you cannot edit anything. Then manager's time clock which allows you to add and edit but only at a certain level. Then admin time clock that allows for corporation wide adds, edits, and reports. 
  • Time Templates - The time templates or master time templates control what the time elements are called. They also control what they allow as far as subs, add-on's, default settings, and functions of time. Think of a time template as a cookie cutter for the actual elements of time. 
  • Transfer - This is another general term. One of the most common usages is what we call an invoice transfer where you are moving product from location to location. Internally we call that a transfer invoice. Another use for transfer is when we talk about a bank transfer - moving money from one account to another account. There may be other uses for the word transfer like transfer of ownership or documents. It generally means something is in movement or there is a change in ownership.
  • Transition Invoice - A transition means something that is in-between things. For general purposes a transition invoice is between a quote and a real invoice. We actually allow you to name it whatever you would like. Some common ones might be work in progress, work order, layaway, prepaid invoice, etc. Basically it is something that may not fully be done or finished but we already need to start contributing inventory and payments to the order. On transition invoices some of your normal financial pieces are deferred until it gets changed to an actual customer invoice. 
  • Type - This is a very general term. It is basically a way to organize or flag certain data. A couple of examples might be invoice types, PO types, customer types, etc. We also use virtual chart of account buckets called deposit types and expense types. It is all for categorizing and organizing your data. Another common term for a type is either a category or grouping. Sometimes these can all be used interchangeably and indicate some sort of organization or flagging. 


  • Universe - Universe inside of the system usually deals with all of the different servers, the different corporations or worlds, and all of the different entities that play together under this larger umbrella. Along this line sometimes we also use the word universal which can mean globally/generally accepted and adapted across the system. 
  • Units of Measure - A unit of measure is some sort of a standard way of noting a measurement, a weight, or a length. Common ones might be something like ounces, grams, tons, liters, gallons, dozens, boxes, each, etc. A unit of measurement is assigned to every inventory item. This controls how the items are reduced from inventory and how price is determined in the shopping cart. Units of measure may be broken down further into what are called mini conversions. This is where you have a certain amount of one measurement that creates or equals a certain amount of another measurement. 
  • Unlimited Parts/Items - Each inventory item may be specified as either normal, where we count quantities in and out. Or unlimited where we allow it to sell as many as we want, such as services wher*e we don't limit it to an actual inventory value. 
  • Update - Update is a general term. Usually it deals with some sort of a database type change where a record gets edited or updated. It is also very possible to update things that are held in memory without hitting the database but usually update refers to some sort of a change, or something new being presented, a feature being updated, or some news and updates letting you know about current or upcoming functionality. 
  • Update Cart - Allows user to push new information into the shopping cart during a sale.
  • Update Inventory - Function that allows user to update entire inventory via one purchase order (see Update PO).
  • Update PO - PO used to update inventory regardless of vendor (see Update Inventory).
  • Upload - This is an action. Usually this means a push from one computer to another computer or server. Uploading usually deals with files, images, media/content, or even potential lists of data. 
  • URL - A URL is another name for the web address. A web address is usually in the top of your browser and is used for hyperlinks, form submission, and general web navigation. Technically it stands for a Uniform Resource Locator but it is basically just a web address. 
  • User-Maintained BSI - Item on the balance sheet that is created by the user and maintained by the user (not automatically updated by the database).
  • User Settings - These are settings that are changeable on a per user basis. These could be things like default location, default homepage, a specific invoice type you like to use, if you are paying expenses it could be a certain payment type you typically use, a default shopping cart, etc. Basically they are setting that are changeable to make your user flow more customized and helpful for the user. The number of user settings continues to increase and there are also places that you can setup your own custom navigation, links, buttons, and more to come.  


  • Ctrl V - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for pasting a certain selection held in memory. Either Ctrl C or Ctrl X are the ways of copying something to memory. 
  • Validation - This usually means that certain data meets or matches certain criteria before being accepted. The system actually uses a number of forms of validation. You can have local validation which happens before anything even gets submitted. You also have server side validation where things get checked on the server before they are able to be used, advanced, or edited. There are also things called validation routines which means multiple steps of validation to help walk through a process. 
  • Vendors - Any person, business or entity that your company purchases services or items from.
  • Verify - Verify usually means a second approval. Dealing with banks on expense and deposits, verifying means that the bank shows that same value. There are tools that allow for what we call bulk verify/verification, posting, etc. A lot of this deals with ways of advancing the ball (data) and saying that it is still good and can move on to the next step. ,    
  • View Cart - Shows user current shopping cart information. If a shopping cart exists it will be held in memory and often we use the term view cart to get back to that process. Carts are just saved in memory until you actually submit the cart and create an invoice or a quote. There is usually some sort of button or icon in your header that will help you get back to the cart if it actually exists. 
  • View Register - Shows user  current bank information.
  • VIN/Serial Num - The unique number/letter id of a serialized item.
  • Void Options (all the options) - The act of voiding means you negate or return everything to an original state or a state of zeros. The four main places that things are voided are on invoice, deposits, expenses, and PO's. Once things are voided all of those inventory items or payments are reverted back as if they never happened. Almost every other thing in the system has a status, such as active or inactive, which can virtually be like voiding it or making it go away as well to make something inactive. 


  • Wholesale - This is normally a sale to another retailer or distributor where tax is not part of this transaction. Tax is attributed on later transactions to the actual customer. Wholesale also sometimes deals in bulk. It has its own special rules and regulations. Sometimes wholesale could also mean a reduction in price or selling things lower than a standard retail environment. 
  • Widget - A widget is a general term. Widget could mean a small computer application such as a Flash widget, an HTML widget, a mobile widget, etc. This is also a general term used to talk about general inventory items or non-classified items. For example, you might need to update your widget inventory to show the new prices. 
  • With Tax Included - This is a tax setting where the company sets a fixed price out the door and then the system back figures what the tax should be to make the price plus the taxes that out the door pricing. The brother to this setting is called normal taxable and that takes the item price plus the tax which then comes up with a new total. 
  • World - This is a general term. Often it denotes some sort of sphere or area that has certain characteristics. Another synonymous term is something like land where we might say eCommerce land, invoice land, or invoice world - denoting when you are in separate areas. Another definition for a world is a corporation or an entity. Often we use this when talking about world building. When we talk about your world it is your business entity. 
  • World Building - World building is the act of gathering all of the different pieces and putting them into play in a system that simulates your world. Disclaimer: the term world building is used by authors and those in film to build a world with characters, cause and effect relationships, some sort of trouble or problems, and some sort of a goal that ties these things together. This creates a symbiotic relationship. 


  • Ctrl X - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for cutting a certain selection and putting it on the clipboard for future use. Ctrl V is used to paste.
  • X-axis - Part of a 3D model. Time is the x axis (bottom or horizontal side to side). Time goes in both known directions (forward and backward).
  • X-out - This is usually a quick way to say X out of that, X that, close that, kill that, remove that, etc.  


  • Ctrl Y - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for redoing something that has been undone. It's brother command is Ctrl Z or undo.
  • Y-axis - Part of a 3D model. Money is the y axis (vertical or up and down). The y axis may also be referred to as resources. Not all resources are money but they do go up and down as things happen and business flows. 
  • Yearly/Year - This is a term denoting the time period of a fiscal year (accounting) or a physical year (general time period).


  • Ctrl Z - This is a keyboard shortcut on windows for undoing a previous action. It's brother command is Ctrl Y or redo.  
  • Z-axis - Part of a 3D model. Space is the z axis (depth, front to back and/or layering). This axis deals with additional details. What is happening? Are things moving? Are these things part of some other piece? What are the additional details that give more depth and understanding, that make it a rich story.