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Color Code: Purple
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 4/23/2019 3:53 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 4005
Template/Type: User Guide
Title/Caption: 4.62 - Saved Reports (custom report favorites)
Start Date: 4/23/2019
Main Status: Active

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4.62 - Saved Reports (custom report favorites)

-There are tons of reports and options straight out of Adilas. You can run these reports at anytime. If you have something you want to run all the time you can use the save report feature. These buttons are spread out through the whole system.

-Most of the advanced searches have save options. What this does is remembers all of your search criteria and then allows you to name and sort your reports. These can all be accessed from a special page called my saved favorites or favorites for short.

-Small technical note on each favorite - behind the scenes we actually store all the settings and search criteria in a database format. Once this happens it actually creates an id number and allows you to get to the same report by using the id number without re-specifying all of the criteria again.

-You can actually name your own reports, you can assign them to specific users, you can make them private, you can sort them, and you can view them at any point in time. There are no limits to how many different reports you can save.

-To edit the search criteria simply browse to your favorites, click to view, then look for a button or link that says refine your search. At this point it will take you back to the original form and populate it with the stored criteria. Simple change the criteria, resubmit it, and if it looks good simply find the save report settings button.   

-You can create a report, modify it, and then save it as a different report. So you are basically creating multiple reports off of an original report.

-You should be able to save reports for almost all of the 12 main system players.