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Color Code: Purple
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 4/23/2019 3:47 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 3996
Template/Type: User Guide
Title/Caption: 4.53 - Permissions
Start Date: 4/23/2019
Main Status: Active

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4.53 - Permissions

-Wanting to control who can play where

-"You don't want the bull in the china shop."

-Making sure people have the ability to do what they need to do but not allowing them to work where it is not needed

-Can give temporary access and then turn it back off immediately

(-From admin file: The beauty of adilas is that you can give each individual the permissions they need to do their individual jobs, whatever that spectrum may be.

grant or deny access to your users as to how they are able to play and function in adilas based on the permissions that are assigned to them. (i.e. employees, members, etc.) other users in where they are able to work in adilas.

How access is permissionable, which allows them to maintain control and structure in their organization. It also allows them to access or permission access for various responsibilities and information.

The permissions are color coded, so that you can see visually as well as by reading the description which permissions are more basic and which are more admin oriented.)

Help File: to the permissions page