Main Web API Documentation Information
Actual Page/Function Name:
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Get Sub Inventory Attribute Value
Page/Function Description:
This gets a single sub inventory attribute value. Sub inventory gets pretty deep. You have a parent item, you have subs or child packages, and each sub or sub package may have one or more sub attributes (data points). This is for the sub attribute values.
Page/Function Output Type:
Extra Page/Function Notes:

Scope Name Type Default Description Required Alternates Known Values
Arguments CORP_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the corp id number. Yes
Arguments SUB_REFERENCE_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the sub reference id number. This is the sub or child package id number. Yes
Arguments DATA_TYPE_TABLE String Pass in the sub_inventory_attributes data_type_table value. These are values such as custom_text, custom_numerics, custom_dates. Behind the scenes, this helps the function know where to look-up the data. Is it a text value, a numeric value, or a date value. Yes
Arguments ATTRIBUTE_COLUMN String Pass in the sub_inventory_attributes attribute_column value. These are values such as T1, T12, N3, D4, etc. The text values of T, N, and D stand for T=text, N=number, and D=date. The numeric portion is the column number. For example, a T12 value means the 12 field in the custom text area/settings. Yes

ok success This means that the method call was successful. You will want to look for the DATA_VALUE being passed back as well. That should hold the value that you are looking for.
Name Type Description Notes
DATA_VALUE String This will be the data value that is stored for the sub attribute requested. As a note, this value may be a blank string (no data found), a real string (some sort of text entry), a numeric value, or a valid date. If a real string or a date value, the value may be URL encoded for transport over the wire.
db Unable to connect to the database. Query error with [custom_text, custom_numerics, custom_dates]. Use your back button and try again. This means that something went wrong while trying to get the sub attribute value that was requested.

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