Main Web API Documentation Information
Actual Page/Function Name:
Human Readable Name or Caption:
Get Part Info
Page/Function Description:
This method will get basic info for a single part number. Often this method is used inside the main secure system and provides a few extra fields as compared with the simple web version. See the getPartNumberDetails method for more basic info.
Page/Function Output Type:
Extra Page/Function Notes:

Scope Name Type Default Description Required Alternates Known Values
Arguments CORP_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the corp id number. This is your corporation ID or your business world number. This is required and will be validated. The default is 0, but will be checked for a real number. Yes
Arguments PART_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the part id number. This is the system-assigned auto id number for the item or part. Example: 225446 Yes
Arguments VENDOR_PAYEE_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the vendor id number. This is the vendor id number that's tied to the specific part or item number. This is required for database look ups later on. Vendor information can be found from other part number look ups. Also as a note, you may leave this field at a 1 or a 0 if unknown. The method will fill it in for you. No

ok success This assumes that everything went well.
Name Type Description Notes
QRY_PART_ARRAY Array This is an array that contains data about the part number. This has data such as contact bar code number, catalog page, corp id, inventory type, part cost, description, tag number, weight, web price, etc.
FLEX_GRID_COUNT Numeric This is the total number of records in the flex grid. See description.
dataIn Missing either a Corp Id or Part Id Use your back button and try again. This is returned if you're missing the required values (corp id or part id).
corpSettings Missing the correct corp-wide settings. Unable to proceed. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if no default part number could be found for your corp id.
dbZero Unable to get the required corp-wide settings. Missing some data. Use your back button and try again. This is a catch for errors in querying the default part number.
zero Unable to find the [part number] you requested. Unable to proceed. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if the record count is zero for the query.
db Unable to connect to the database. Missing the [part number] information. Use your back button and try again.

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