Unit Detail Page - Full
This is the main meat and potatoes of the entire application. This is where the details and numbers of the unit are displayed. There are also a number of links and options that go along with these pages. Each user has different permissions and some of these options may be admin or management-type options.

All pages will show links to history, payments, and paperwork. Other custom options are edit unit, invoice/quote, sold info, payroll, switch mode (between customer friendly and full detail), add/edit photos, and add/edit items to stock options. There is also a time element associated with this page. Once a unit has been marked sold for a certain amount of time, certain options may not be available to help with data security and integrity.

If the unit is sold and there are one or more flags by the unit saleprice and/or basis, this means that the sales invoice is showing different numbers and values than the unit. In order for the flag to go away, you must match up the numbers and make both the unit and sales invoice have the same values. One or the other is not always right or correct (invoice or unit), the flag is there so that you will know that you have a disconnect. The flag will remain until the two sets of numbers match. The invoice price is tied to the unit saleprice and the invoice cost is tied to the unit basis.

If a unit has a photo other than the default, you may click on the thumbnail to go to the gallery page. To add or edit the photos, click the add/edit photos link.

The profit percentage is hidden and displayed in front of the first part of the stock number. Ex: 14-TRL-14000 the 14 in the front is the profit percentage.