Add/Edit Usage Classes
This is where you add/edit the usage classes. A usage class is why or how a person would use a model or unit. These are general terms and help the sales staff locate units that match the user's needs.

To add a new usage class, click the link on the top of the page. The add form is directly below the add link. All fields are required. To edit a usage class, click on the usage class name and the info will show up in the form at the top of the page.

Form Fields:
1. Id - This is an auto generated number that is handled behind the scenes.

2. Usage Class - This is the name of the usage class. Max of 50 chars and a min of 1 char.

3. Inventory Type - Choose an inventory type from the list provided.

4. Status - The status will only show up on the edit mode. This helps to show or hide a usage class. Choose active for show and inactive for hide.