Special Histories and Custom Message/Logs
This is a special admin page that allows a user to view some of the hidden system histories and custom message/logs and/or 3rd party error messages. Behind the scenes, this section was originally called the 3rd party error messages but has since been used for tons of sensitive history records, messages, and internal log files.

Certain sections have their own history tables (like invoices or deposits). This is especially true for things that change all of the time. If we have a need, we are able to use this custom history section to record all kinds of histories that would not fit in a normal table. Things such as the full form scope (all submitted fields to a certain page) and all passed in arguments to a method or function call. Basically, it's a super message/logger app built-in to the system.

This reports page is meant to be at a high or system admin type level. Most of these records stay hidden unless there is a need to watch and/or visit certain areas.

Use the form at the top to filter the results. Most of the fields are required to run the report. The topmost field is the key to the whole rest of the page. The top filter is called the "Special Look-Up Code". This is a small flag that gets set per record to determine where it virtually came from. This could be anything that the original code developers deem appropriate or sensible to flag the log record. Just as a heads up, there are well over 100 look-up codes in use. No way to keep up an ongoing list of ways that this custom logging system is being used. Plus, some of the flags are for records that are meant for only certain people/admin users.

Here is a small list of possible values (not a complete list): cultivationSettings, addStore, updateStore, addTimeTemplate, updateTimeTemplate, updateMainPartCategory, updateSubAttribute, addSubAttribute, clearCart, discountApprover, etc. There are also all kinds of payment integration flags for reward points, refunds, account payments, eChecks, and error messages for custom 3rd party payment solution integrations. The custom logging system is also used for outside 3rd party integrations with state-wide compliance systems such as Metrc.