URL Encode/Decode Helper Page
This page has a free URL encoder and URL decoder helper form. This is primarily for the Adilas API sockets, but it may be used for whatever else.

For starters, a URL is basically a web address such as: http://data0.adilas.biz - As the web addresses or web-based data get longer and longer, the web uses a standard format that encodes special characters such as spaces and all other special characters (~,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,? - you get the picture). This helps make sure that data and web addresses don't interfere with backend code.

For example: "This is a test." would convert to "This is a test." and vice versa.

Basically, the web URL format removes the spaces and special characters and substitues a 3-digit code in its place. This makes it so that all of the values are web-safe and may be transferred across the web without problems. The reason we need an encoder and decoder is that once it gets encoded (substituted with the 3-digit codes), it gets really hard to read. This page allows you to switch between the encoded values and decoded values.

Simply copy and paste your value into the top field and then select the encryption mode that you would like (web ready or human readable). The output value will be shown below. The page is capable of going from human readable to web URL encoded or from web URL encoded to a decoded human readable format. Feel free to use as needed. Enjoy.

If you need a link to the free encoder page... [url encoder page]