Sales Tax Calculator
This is a special calculator to help with sales tax calculations and testing. Nothing will be recorded in the database. The page allows a user to enter simple values, test, and submit for processing. The system will then calculate the correct taxes based off of the settings submitted and show them back to the user. Here is a list of the fields and what they are:

1. Test Quantity - Required - Numeric. Enter the test quantity into the system. This value may be either positive or negative. It may also contain up to 5 decimals as needed.

2. Test Price Per - Required - Numeric. Enter the single price or price per. This value must be positive and may contain up to 5 decimals. As a reminder, this value is a per or price per (think single). The final calculations will take the quantity times the price per to get the extended total. If you are backing into an unknown price per, this will be the desired dollar value. For example: Say something like a quantity of 1 and price per of 50. The extended total will be $50. If using the tax category called "With Tax Included", that process is basically a reverse taxing process and it attempts to back into the taxes instead of simply adding the taxes on top of the extended value. In the example above, the calculations would alter the $50 price per and set it something less than that in order to calculate the correct taxes and end up with a total out the door price of $50 (or there about).

3. Location - Required - Choose a location from the list provided. This is a huge key when calculating tax settings. All tax settings, percentages, names, limits, and other settings are held on the location or store level. Also, the word location is a corp-wide setting and may be changed as needed. Examples might be: Stores, Clinics, Warehouses, Jobs, Locations, etc.

4. Tax Category - Required - Choose a tax category from the list provided. The default is called "Taxable". This means that all new taxes will be added on top of the extended price. That is considered normal. If you use the tax category called "With Tax Included", the system will try to do a backwards calculation. What this means is the system tries to back into the extended price and figure out what the taxes would be plus a new extended value to arrive at or close to the original amount submitted. This is not an exact science, but we will try to get back to the original extended total. For example: Say you want to sell a cake out the door for $25 with tax included. Let's pretend that your settings make it so that the tax comes to $4.15. A with tax included calculation would change the price of the cake to $20.85 + $4.15 tax to equal $25 total. That's at least the goal. As a side note, some of the back calcs may be off by a cent or two depending on the values that it needs to back into. Going back to the other tax categories, such as Labor, Mixc, Internal, Resale, Wholesale, etc., they all calculate to a total tax due of $0.00.

5. Part/Item Category - Required - Choose a part/item category from the list provided. This helps the calculator simulate which item is being taxes. Once submitted, the backend engine will look at the stored tax settings per location and determine if each of the tax settings will or will not play with the simulated item category. Each part or item that gets passed to a shopping cart will have an item category associated with it. This setting helps to simulate that functionality. As a note, the sales tax calculator is only setup to calculate sales tax on normal items. The actual system allows for all kinds of different items such as unlimited (labor/services), stock/units, rentals, etc. This calculator is only optimized for normal widget inventory items called parts, items, products, etc. The word parts is a corp-wide setting and may be changed as needed.

6. Limit By Customer Type - Optional - This is an additional filter that may be applied to the tax calculations. This is not required and it is ok to use "No Limits or Unknown". That basically makes the system skip that filter. If set to some other customer type, the system will check the location/tax settings and see if certain taxes apply to that customer type. The word customer is also a corp-wide setting and may be changed to all kinds of values such as clients, patients, students, members, customers, etc.

7. Extras - Optional - This checkbox, if checked, will show some additional output that comes back from the function call. It shows more values and deeper details. It is there in case you want to look a little bit deeper.

Feel free to run and test the page over and over again with different scenarios. The calculations you get from this page use the same backend method or function that the normal secured environment uses. Because of that, this calculator makes a great testing ground. Enjoy!