Bulk Edit Cart
This is a special page to help edit shopping cart line items in bulk. All of the open fields may be edited and changed. To remove an item, either change the quantity to 0 (zero) or click the remove checkbox. All other fields are fully editable. That includes quantity, price, description, RFID tags, show/hide options, and tax categories. Once submitted, the page will return you to the view cart page.

There is a special link at the top that will help look-up any and all known RFID tag or package tags. Not all corporations use these settings. These RFID tag value are values that are stored on the main item (parts) in the RFID tag column. As a note, the word RFID tag is a corp-wide setting which means that it may change according to the corporation or company.

The special look-up will go to each item (part number) in the current shopping cart and will look to see if an RFID tag value has been added to the item. This feature is very handy if restoring a quote or order to the cart.

One last note on the double submit button at the bottom. This is there incase a user is using a barcode reader to populate the RFID tags. Most barcode readers are setup to read the value and then hit the enter key. In order to allow more than one to be scanned at a time, we have added a double submit process. In a nutshell, it is a way that we can allow barcode readers to play with the fields as needed.