Add/Edit Inventory Makes
This page acts as both the add and edit page for the inventory makes. All of the fields are required.

1. Id - The make id is an auto number that is generated and passed in the background of the application. All inventory items will have a make id associated with them.

2. Make - This is the name of the make. There is a max of 150 chars and a min of 1 char. Ex: Ford, Jeep, Big Tex, Haulmark

3. Inventory Type - The inventory type helps to categorize the inventory makes. This is used in reports and other filter criteria.

4. Status - The status will only show up in edit mode. This field controls whether or not the make will show up in the list of makes. If you choose to delete the make, set the status to "Delete" and click the submit button. In the background, it will check to see if any models are assigned to the make. If so, it will prompt for the models to be removed prior to deleting the make.