My Student List
This is a custom page that was built for the teacher/student interface. The page is setup to show a limited list of students (customers) and deals with custom code that has been assigned to the corporation or business (school).

The page has three main functions. They are:

1. Get to your students as quick as possible. To view an individual student's log, click on their name. This link will take you to the student log page.

2. If your corporation (school) has custom code in place, it will show up as a button that may be applied to each individual student (customer). For example: Add Core Data - is a custom page that helps a teacher add custom data points for his/her students. If no custom documents or custom code exists, a note will be displayed stating that the page is missing some backend code assignments. The buttons next to each student will add data for only that student.

3. If you do have custom code assignments, there may be options to add core data in bulk. This is done by putting a checkmark by the customer (student) that needs the data point (flex grid tie-in). There is then a form at the bottom that allows for the records to be added in bulk. Only students with a checkmark will be updated or added to.