My Personal Settings & Defaults
This page is setup to help each individual employee/user set his/her personal settings and defaults. These defaults are your personal starting points for common system tasks. Most of these values have code in place so that as you interact with the system, these values will try to remember what your last choice was. If for some reason, you want to restore your original defaults and settings, just return to this page, make sure things are correct and click the save my settings button. Once the page is submitted, the original defaults will be reset and you will be ready to go.

When you first use this page, most of the settings and options on this page have a value of "Unknown... (blank)". That is a valid choice and will basically force you to choose what you want each time instead of having a default starting point. Once you choose a default or starting point, the system will use that value as its default mode or option.

This may be a little bit technical, but these settings and defaults are stored inside of a thing called a "session". A session, in computer language is short for a login session or a period in which the server (the main computer) remembers who you are according to a login. The session scope holds things called variables and these things help the system know what to do and what your permissions are. So, each time you login, a new session is created. These settings are looked up in the database and set as your default starting spots or points.

Once you begin to interact with the application, some of the original defaults may be changed. This is done to help you do repetitive tasks. For example, say you were creating invoices (new shopping carts). Whatever cart type you use will be remembered for your next cart. The computer is kinda dumb; it doesn't know what you want to do until it is told. So, what we do is we tell the computer to remember what you did last (in the session scope) and then it pretends like it knows what you want to do or what setting to apply. If, in fact, the computer guessed right, you will have one less click to make. If the computer guessed wrong, it is up to you to change the setting and make it right.

As a technical note... The settings you store and set from this page are physically stored in a database. This allows us to look-up these values and use them again and again. These values are also stored in temporary RAM memory and may be changed around as needed. If, while using the system, one of your defaults gets flipped to a different value, the original stored values are still recorded (unaltered). Only the ones in RAM memory (temporary usage memory) will be altered.

At any time, you may reset your session variables to your default values (physically stored values) by either clicking the save settings button on this page or by logging off and then logging back on. Either way, the stored session defaults (stored in the database) will be put back into play (used in the temporary memory values).