Search Customer Queue
This is the advanced search option for the customer queue. As a reminder, the name "customer queue" is a corp-wide setting and may be changed by your corporation to meet your needs.

By default this page will show the current day's results. To interact with the page, use the form at the top of the page. You may need to click the "show/hide search criteria" button to view the form. Once open, the form allows you to change the dates, times, types, and other filters for the page. All results will show up below the main search form.

Tip: If you want more results, clear the date and time ranges or set the filters to "All". This will remove any date/time specific filters for the page. Another filter that sometimes trips up a user is the sub queue search option. If your company uses sub queues, it is possible that the results are only showing one of the possible many sub queues. If needed, there are options for showing all sub queues at a single time.