Advanced Time Sub Search Results
This is the advanced time search results page for the "subs" or "functions" of time. The subs of time are pieces that get added to the main elements of time (one-to-many relationships). There are a number of different subs that may be searched or shown on this report (see list below). This page will show different results depending on the parameters that are passed in. The page may be accessed from a specific form (one of the advanced time searches where you set the search criteria) or it may be accessed through a link from somewhere in the system (we pass in search criteria for you). If you didn't get what you wanted (results), click on the "refine your search" button to widen or tighten your search criteria. Check out the help file for the add/edit subs or functions of time. That page contains more information on what the subs or functions of time are all about.

This is a list of possible subs or functions of time that may be shown on this report:
  • Action Status Logs & Changes - Subs
  • Additional Date/Times - Subs
  • Additional Comments/Notes - Subs
  • Additional Sign-Off's - Subs
  • Additional GPS or RFID Tag Tracking - Subs
  • Additional Payroll/Time Sheets - Subs
  • Additional Notification/Reminders - Subs
  • Additional Tie-In's/Assignments/Pools ("any" person, place, or thing) - Subs