Managers Edit Timecards
This edit page allows you to update, change, or view the history on a single timecard within your department and corporation. The top section is for clock in and the bottom section is for clock out. All fields are required (including notes) for an edit. Once a timecard is locked, you will not be able to modify the data. It is also important to note that any changes you make will be recorded in the history for the timecard. All dates should be in the "m/d/yy" format. All times should be in the "h:mm:ss AM" or "h:mm:ss PM" format.

At the bottom of the page, there will be a history report. If you don't see anything, assume that the timecard is clean and has no history. As soon as you edit the timecard, the history will begin and your name, date, and actions will be recorded.

TIP: The in and out dates must be the same date. The math that is done on the timecards assumes that the in and out dates are the same. That allows the system to calculate things on the fly (just looking at differences in time instead of differences in both dates and times). They, the dates and times, are actually stored in different fields and thus the difficulty in comparing multiple fields on the fly. If the same date is not recorded, an error will be thrown when processing for payroll and you will be required to fix the date issue before the payroll will calculate correctly.