Advanced Add To Cart
This is a special page to help you get your part numbers and items into the shopping cart as quickly and as smoothly as possible. This is an advanced add form and is not required unless you need more flexibility when adding your items.

Tips for using this page:

1. There is a special switch towards the top that allows the auto calculate feature to be turned on/off. When turned on, checked, the page will do an auto calculation after you leave each of the fields. With the switch turned off, not checked, the page will allow you to enter whatever information (changing multiple things at once) without updating the page. Once everything is correct, turn the auto calculate switch back on and the new changes will be reflected.

2. The tax category "With Tax Included" gets a little tricky. Basically, it is a reverse calculation. We highly recommend that you use that setting (if needed) as the last thing that you set on the page. Otherwise you may get frustrated because you have to reset it manually each time. More information on this below under the tax category section.

3. If using a USB digital scale to get the exact quantity, we recommend that you turn off the auto calculate switch before using your scale. By doing that, you will disable the main submit button until you are ready. If not, most scales are usually set to submit the page. To use a scale, have the cursor blinking in the quantity field. Click the print or read (submit) button on the scale. The weight value will be transferred from the scale and written into the quantity field.

4. If you get lost or can't figure out the logic..., look for the reset link on the top or bottom of the page. Nothing actually gets changed in the actual cart until the submit button is clicked. We encourage playing with the numbers and values, that is what this page is for. Once again, if you get lost and can't remember what the original values were, look for the reset link.

5. If you are back figuring or backing into an unknown price per or a an unknown quantity, there are special fields to help with that process (called use special total and the checkboxes below that field). These functions are not required but are provided incase you need help doing some math calcs. These back in options may be used as many times as needed. As a small note, once applied, they will be cleared (the actual values and checkmarks) and the page will function as if you knew what values to put in the correct place. If needed, re-use them as many times as needed. Once again, the values will be cleared once applied successfully.

General Page Information:

The normal (basic) add to cart process goes something like this: First, you do a general part search, you then select the item, enter the quantity, and finally click the add to cart button. That process sends a number of fields and values behind the scenes and is fairly straight forward. This advanced process is the exact same thing except that we open up all of the background fields for you to be able to edit and/or tweak the values and information before it hits the shopping cart. All of these fields are available once inside the shopping cart (accessed through the edit cart line items page). The major difference between this add mode and the edit mode is when and how it hits the shopping cart. Does it hit first and then you do an edit of the information or do you tweak the info first and then send it to the cart?

Special note about the "Tab" key: This page has a number of helpers and local math calculations that help you work the deal. Use your "Tab" key to move from field to field. The math will change as you enter a value and then leave that field (using the tab key). The helper fields are a light blue color and will contain info, values, and calculations. If you want to move forwards (to the next field) use your tab key. If you want to move backwards (to a previous field) use your shift key and the tab key together (shift+tab).

Here is a break-down of the fields and what they do:

1. Vendor - Passed in from your parts search, this is who the part number is assigned to.

2. Part Number - Passed in from your parts search, this is the item or part number that you are dealing with.

3. Price Helper - This is a special prompt or message field that is used by the system to give you information, prompts, and show math calculations. None of these values are actually passed to the add to cart page. This is for information only.

4. Auto Calculate - Required. This switch must be turned on in order to submit the page. If the switch is unchecked, the main submit button will be disabled. This locks the page and you won't be allowed to submit for processing. The reason for this switch is to help with complicated calculations or to help when using a USB digital scale. If you are using a scale, we highly recommend that you uncheck the auto calc switch before scaling your items. If not, the page will be submitted possibly before you are finished with the other settings. The switch may be turned on/off as many times as needed. Also, by way of a note... there is a corp-wide setting that may be set to control the default value to on or off.

5. Tax Category - Required. Choose a tax category from the list provided. If changing this field, it will automatically recalculate all values and show the tax info. Note: The tax category "With Tax Included" will back figure taxes to match what the extended price would be (quantity time price per). Once used, this tax category will do the reverse calc and then change itself to the normal "Taxable" setting. This is done so that it doesn't keep backing into smaller and smaller numbers. Also, don't expect the tax category to stick or stay on the category selection "With Tax Included" unless the auto calculate switch is turned off (unchecked). As a general rule - Do everything else first (set all other values), then use the "With Tax Included" category at the very end. Make sure that you only use it once or you risk the possibility of stacking back calcs (lowering the overall value). Check the price helper field for the extended math totals to make sure that everything is good to go. Look for the total w/tax value in the price helper field.

6. Quantity - Required. This must be a numeric value (+ or -) and may contain up to five decimal places. Note: The quantity of 0 will not work and will not end up hitting your shopping cart. If you want to stop the auto calculate functions, leave this field blank or make it so that it is not a number. Ex: 5.50n - where "n" is some alpha character that makes it not a number.

7. Cost Per - This value is passed in from your parts search and is un-editable on this page. The helper field to the right will show the extended cost (qty * cost).

8. Mark-Up - Optional. This field is there to help you alter the price if needed. It works just like a calculator in that it looks at the cost and does a quick calculation. Ex: (cost * mark-up) = price. Say you are dealing with a specific client or customer and they get special contract pricing. Change the mark-up and use your tab key. As you move from the field, the price per will be updated and the mark-up helper field will record your last input. The mark-up, if used, needs to be greater than one. Ex: 1.87 or 2.15. The default is to leave the field blank. You can also stop the auto calc functions by making this field a non numeric value. Once it gets cleared out or changed to a number, the auto calc functions will continue.

9. Price Per - Required. This is the selling price and/or saleprice of the item on a per item basis. This value may contain up to five decimal places if needed. This is calculated by default but may be changed to suite your needs. This is one of the main reasons for this special add to cart page. The field is open which allows you to set the price as needed. The price per value will tell the system how to calculate the extended price, profit, calculated mark-up, etc. The helper field to the right will hold the extended price.

10. Use Special Total - Optional. If used, this will set the bottom line or total extended dollar value. The checkboxes below this field help the system know what value to back in to. The choices are unknown price per or unknown quantity. This section is somewhat of a reverse calculation. Note: Using your tab key on this field doesn't do any auto calc functions. You have to enter the number and then physically click on one of the checkboxes below in order to get the new auto calcs to take place. If you mess up, click on the checkbox again and it will clear itself.

11. Discount - Optional. This field is a two part control over discounts. The default is 0 or do not apply any discount. If a numeric value is used in the discount field, the application will look at what type of discount to use. If a valid discount value is passed to the add page, the system will automatically add a second line item with the discount amount that was applied.

12. Description - Required. This is the part or item description field. This field may contain up to 255 characters. This field is another reason that users like to use the advanced add to cart page. They can copy and paste information and/or add custom verbage without doing an edit of the line item inside the cart.

13. Line Show/Hide Status - Required. The default is set to "Show" which means that the line item will be normal. If set to "Hidden", the line item will still be applied to the cart but may be hidden during printing and in certain cart and invoice views. If you do use a hidden line status, you must make sure that no price per (saleprice) is used. Set the price to 0.00 and allow the cost, if any to flow through. This is often done with job costing or fixed price bids. The main dollar amount is contained in a visible (shown) line item and then some of the underlying costs or details are set to a 0.00 price with the full cost being passed as hidden line items. Hidden line items are also used for internal communication with team members and co-workers.

Special Note: This page is tied to the flex grid tie-ins for part numbers. If you have the flex grid tie-in permission, this page will display all flex grid tie-ins that are tied to this part number. This could include special pricing structures, contract prices, sales, quantity discounts, customer specific part numbers, etc. If you are unfamiliar with the flex grid, we would recommend that you read the following help file to get you pointed in the right direction.

Basic Formulas:

Total = Qty * Price Per
Total = Qty * (Cost * Mark-Up)
Price Per = Total / Qty
Qty = Total / Price Per
Price Per W/ Tax Included = (Total - Tax) / Qty
Qty W/ Tax Included = (Total - Tax) / Price Per