Assign Documents & Forms
This is the document and form assignment page. This page has two main parts. The top form will act as both the add and edit form. The bottom section is where the actual assignments will show up below the top form.

Here is a list of the fields and what they allow:

1. Assignment Id - This is the key field and will be controlled behind the scenes. It will be the value "new" in add mode and an actual numeric value in the edit mode.

2. Document Name - This is the document display name. This is controlled on the add/edit document page. This value is used in links and drill-downs. The actual underlying page names (technically speaking) are passed behind the scenes.

3. Assign to Corporation - Required. This will be a drop-down combo box in the add mode and an uneditable field in the edit mode. This determines which corporation gets to use the custom document.

4. Assignment Status - Required. Choose an option from the list provided. If the status is set to active, the corporation listed will have access to use the forms and documents. Inactive means don't use or don't show.

5. to 14. Dynamic & Hardcoded Values - There are ten fields possible for use to hold hardcoded values. These fields may or may not show up. This is completely driven from the main add/edit document section. The name of the fields (1-10) will very with each assignment. Ideally, the fields will give you enough information so that you can provide the correct data. This data will be used in the custom document and/or forms. Each field has a max of 100 chars and may be left blank if not applicable.