Invoice Sales Report
This is the results page for the grouped invoice sales reports. This page is capable of showing more than one report. Use the drill-down links to view the underlying data.

If you are viewing the main grouped report (default), there will be a link at the top of the page that will allow you to view the mini printable sales report. This is a mini version of the main grouped report that is formatted in the 3" format (able to print on a standard 3" receipt printer). If you are familiar with a cash register, this little report is similar to a traditional "Z" (zee) report or Z-tape.

If you are viewing the grouped by salesperson report, the adjusted totals have the main solo sales (salesperson is the only one on the invoice) plus 1/2 of the split sales (two salespersons on a single invoice) factored in. Because we are splitting invoices and profits, there may be a penny or two difference on the math compared with the shown totals. The actual totals (bottom of the page) are calculated separately and will reflect the actual values.

If you are viewing the grouped sales by location report, the location name will drill-down to a basic grouped report for that location using the original date range data passed in. If you have more than one location, there will be sort options provided. Look for a small button next to the column headings. By clicking the button, the report will re-run and sort the results according to what you clicked. This report is a huge time saver if you have more than one location.

The profit is sales minus the COGS (cost of goods sold).

The profit percentage is the profit / sales and then times by 100.

Note: Some of the drill-down links may or may not show the details as requested. The reason for the difference is that some of the underlying pages and data results can not handle dynamic filters such as salespersons, voids, and/or location filters. Basically, the results on this page will be correct. If you choose to view the underlying data, it may not be filtered as tight as the main reports on this page.