View Transition Dates
This is a special page to help manage the transition status, dates, and settings. It is important to note that invoices with a transition status (special invoice type) will not show up on the income statement or P&L until the invoice type is switched to a normal customer invoice (once the job is completed). These invoices are also excluded from sales tax reports and account receivables until flipped. Instead of being on the P&L, the invoice will be caught by the balance sheet as a system maintained balance sheet item until flipped to a normal customer invoice. Once flipped, it is required for businesses to flip the physical invoice date to one day after the ending date range. See the section below that deals with the ending date for more info on this process.

Here are the form values for the page:

1. Invoice Number - This is the main invoice number that you are dealing with. The link will take you to the printable invoice page for this invoice.

2. Invoice Type - Required. Choose an option from the list provided. Only two options exist and deal with open (transition) or closed (customer) status.

3. Transition Start Date - Required. This is the starting date that the invoice became a transition. Use the m/d/yy format on all dates.

4. Transition End Date - Required. This is the ending transition date. This date will only be set once the invoice is flipped from the transition status to a normal customer invoice. Up until that time, the invoice is in a state of flux and no specific dates are allowed. Basically, all dates need to remain the same (start, end, and main invoice date) until the transition period is known and established. Once the ending date is known, the invoice should be flipped out the transition status and into a real customer invoice. This will allow it to be booked, show up for the P&L, show up for taxes, and show up for accounts receivable (if not already paid in full). The transition period then becomes a virtual window or hole. If you are looking back in the system and choose a date that would be in the window (transition time period), the reports will show that the invoice was in transition at that time. Once flipped out the transition status, this date needs to be one day prior (before) the main invoice date. Ex: End Date 5/30 and Main Invoice Date 5/31.

5. Main Invoice Date - This is the main invoice date (actual inventory and book date). It is required that this date be flipped to one day greater than (ahead) the ending transition date range.

The bottom part of the page has a history of what the transition date range is or was. Only the last entry is editable using the form above. If for some reason, you need to delete a transition period, the best way to do that is put the start and end dates one day before you actual want to book the invoice (make both of them the same date). Basically, doing this will create a 1 day window and then everything is back on track. Ex: Start Date 5/30, End Date 5/30, and Main Invoice Date 5/31.

If you have a problem or need special help with this section. Email the Adilas support staff: