Units Sold But Not Yet Paid For
This is a special page to help keep track of units that have been marked "sold" but still have a payable due on the base price. This page has the capability to do backwards look-ups and virtually go back in time to how things were (according to the look-back date). This page was developed as a part of the balance sheet report. The reason is, once a unit gets marked as "sold", it will show up on the income statement (invoice revenue) and the base price of the unit will show up in the COGS section. In the background, it no longer belongs to the inventory (system balance sheet item for inventory) because it is "sold". In order not to lose it, it will show up here until fully paid for.

Use the form at the top to filter the records. The results will show up below the top search form. This form has two main formats or types. The grouped report will bring back basic information and units counts. The detailed report will show the individual units, their info, and drill-down links. Both reports will use this same page and are controlled by the form settings.

Once the results are shown, use the drill-down links to view more detail per section.