Add/Edit Departments
This is the add/edit page for departments. System users need to be assigned to a department before using the timeclock application.

1. Id - The id number is the key field for the department. When adding a new department, the number is auto generated. When editing or updating a department, the id is how the system knows which department to update.

2. Corporation - This is the corporation that the department will be assigned to.

3. Location - This is which location the department is assigned to. Choose from the list provided.

4. Department Name - This is the name of the department. We recommend that you use descriptive words in the department names. Max of 100 and min of 1 character.

5. Department Status - Only active department are allowed to use the timeclock application.

If you are missing a user, try clicking the link called "check assignments". From there you may also drill-down deeper to show both active and inactive user relationships.