Bulk Verify - Expense/Receipts
This is the bulk verify page for expense/receipts. The page is divided into two main parts. The top is the search form and the bottom is the verify form (results). Only checked items will be processed.

Once the results are displayed, you will have options of selecting which receipts to verify. In order for the application to work, you will need to check the box and provide a date for each expense/receipt that you wish to verify. The date should be the date the bank shows the funds were taken out of your bank account. If the checkbox is grayed out and is un-clickable, look at the message in the date field to help you know where to look for a possible problem.

This page is capable of doing a number of expense/receipts at the same time. Once you have selected your items, click the "bulk verify" button to submit for processing. By using this page, the main expense/receipt will be verified, the line items will be locked, and the payments will be verified (if not already done so manually). Once the application has completed the process, it will return you to this page to continue verifying. There will be a small success message at the top once you get into the round-trip process of verifying and searching for new expense/receipts.

Special Note - All payments must be verified before reconciling the bank statements. This page will verify both the main and the receipt payments. If special dates are needed on a per payment basis, go to that expense/receipt and do a manual verify on a one-by-one or per expense/receipt basis.