Add/Edit Additional Customer (Customer To Item Tie-In)
This is a special add/edit page for additional customers. Basically, once the original customer is assigned to a quote, shopping cart, invoice, or unit the system allows you to add additional customers if needed. Additional customers can be for things like cosigners, special ship to addresses, special bill to addresses, end user information, etc.

If you need to delete or remove an additional customer tie-in, do an edit and change the status to inactive and the relation will still exist but will not be shown. The other way to change a relationship is by changing the tie-in fields to 0 (quote number, invoice number, or unit number).

Important Note: This section is originally populated from customer information on file. Once the customer is assigned to the sub or tie-in the relationship to the original customer information is broken and the entry becomes a standalone entity. This means that the information provided here will not be automatically updated if the original customer information gets updated.

Here are some of the fields and what they will allow:

1. Additional Customer Id - This is an auto generated field from behind the scenes and helps to record the tie-in id number for the customer.

2. Additional Customer Type - Required. Choose a caption or title for the additional customer. The value of "Other" will allow you to create your own title in the field below the drop-down box.

3. Other Customer Type - This field is only allowed if the main additional customer type is set to "Other". This is where you create your own title or caption for the relationship. Max of 100 chars.

4. Business Name - This is where the business name, if any, would appear. The business name is only required if a first and last name are not used. Max of 150 chars and min of 2 chars (only if the first and last names are not used).

5. First Name - The first name is required only if no business name is provided. There is a max of 50 chars and a min of 2 chars.

6. Last Name - The last name is required only if no business name is provided. There is a max of 50 chars and a min of 2 chars.

7. Address - The address is an optional field. Max of 100 chars.

8. Address 2 - This is an optional 2nd address field. Max of 100 chars.

9. City - Optional field. Max of 50 chars. Use the special link to help look up the city, state, zip, and county.

10. County - The county is an optional field. Max of 50 chars. Use the special link to help look up missing values.

11. State - The state is not required but will help later on. Choose from the list provided or leave blank for foreign addresses.

12. Zip - The zip code is optional. Domestic zip codes require 5 numeric digits and international zip codes require at least 3 alpha-numeric characters.

13. Cell Phone - This field is optional and can hold up to 25 chars.

14. Home Phone - This field is optional and can hold up to 25 chars.

15. Work Phone - This field is optional and can hold up to 25 chars.

16. Fax - This field is optional and can hold up to 25 chars.

17. Email - The email field is optional and can hold up to 150 chars.

18. Notes - This field is optional and can hold up to 255 characters. This is where you put special notes that don't fit into the normal fields provided. These notes, if added, will show up on the invoice and/or quote.

The possible customer tie-ins are how the customer gets related to the sub or other section. The value "0" means no tie-in. At least one tie-in is required if the status is to remain active. These values will not show up if in shopping cart mode because the relationships will be established upon completion. The system is set up to be very flexible and will allow you to assign a customer to any combination of the tie-in options.

19. Quote Number - Required. Default is 0. This is where you put the quote number.

20. Invoice Number - Required. Default is 0. This is the invoice tie-in field.

21. Stock/Unit Number - Required. Default is 0. This is the unit tie-in number.

22. Additional Customer Status - Required. This will only show up in the edit mode. The status of active means that the relationship will show up on the correct subs or tie-ins. The status of inactive will hide the relationship but will leave it in tact.