Print Check
This is the print check page of the application. The main page has an Adobe Flash module that contains the check write info. The actual check values (where and what will be printed) are contained behind the scenes and will print according to the positioning defaults set per bank. The Flash module shows a sample check and a sample check stub. The actual placement of the fields may vary upon printing.

The print check button is in the lower left hand corner. This will actually print the check. Warning: If you print from the browser, you will print the Flash app and page contents instead of the underlying real check info.

If an error occurs, read the message and use the "expense/receipt" button provided to get back to the expense/receipt line items.

If you are having problems with the Adobe Flash Player. Go to to get a new Flash Player.

If for some reason, the print job fails or is incorrect. A person with admin expense/receipt permissions can reset the print status to allow the check to be reprinted. This is done by doing an edit on the expense/receipt payment and un-checking the print status box (only shows up for admin users).

Special Note: The check memo field will look first for a value in the payment notes, second in the external invoice number field, and third if the vendor/payee has an account number. If the memo is incorrect, change the correct field and try again. If needed, you can always hide the memo that is displayed.