Payables Homepage
This page will help show monies that we owe or that are in the process of being paid for. Accounts payables denotes the time periods and amounts that occur between getting something (products or services), approval to purchase and/or acquire, payments being made, and finally having the money come out of the bank. This page is used to look-up amounts owed and/or paid to a specific vendor/payee. The different reports will show up below the top search form. If you have the basic payables permission, you will only see the reports but won't be able to create special expense/receipts and/or check requests. If you have the admin payables permission you will have special make payment or pay options.

If you have the running bank balance permission, and have selected a bank to be your default check writing bank (from the add/edit banks page) you will see the running bank balance at the top of the page. This will help you in your decision making on what to pay.

If the search form is hidden, use the show/hide button to interact with the search form. The search form has the following fields:

1. Report Type - Required. Choose a report type from the list provided. Please note that the report details will change significantly depending on the date range submitted. By default, the report will only return items that are pending or outstanding (assuming that no dates have been added). If real dates are used, both pending and finished items will be returned. Note: If you are looking for the Specific Stock/Units (two-part search), select that option, leave all other fields blank and click the get report button. This will change the main search criteria into a stock/unit based search. Once the second step is submitted, the stock/unit results will show up below the main search form.

2. Vendor/Payee Name Filter - Optional. Enter a vendor/payee name in the field provided. The field is flexible and allows you to type and search for any number of characters. For instance, say you wanted to get the last name of "Smith". You could enter "s", "sm", "smith" (whatever is needed to filter the records correctly). The controls below the filter field are to help the application know where to search for the vendor/payee filter provided. There must be something (characters) in the filter field for the vendor type fields to work (business, last name, and first name).

3. From Date - Optional. Default is "All". If a real date is added to both the from and to dates, the entire report will change. If real dates are used, both pending and finished values will be returned. If both dates are set to "All" or left blank, the report will only show items that still need attention and/or payment needed. Use the m/d/yy format for all dates.

4. To Date - See info above for the from date.

5. Keep Criteria Open - This checkbox helps you either keep the search criteria form open (showing) or allows it to be collapsed (closed) after the search is submitted. The default is unchecked which means that the form will be hidden or collapsed. If checked, the search form will remain open.